The Dem’s Hot Candidate Gets Caught on Hot Mic Saying Conservatives Are Nicer Than Lefties – IOTW Report

The Dem’s Hot Candidate Gets Caught on Hot Mic Saying Conservatives Are Nicer Than Lefties


15 Comments on The Dem’s Hot Candidate Gets Caught on Hot Mic Saying Conservatives Are Nicer Than Lefties

  1. We’re also a happier bunch.
    Conservatives rock the meme game and the comedy scene.
    We are economically literate.
    I could go on but the list as to why conservatives are better than libs is loooonnnngggg!

  2. Does she mean that, in the classical sense, Conservatives are better at ‘classical Liberalism’ than her party is?

    Nah, she didn’t mean that. Because if she did, she’d have to become a Conservative.

  3. No surprise Williamson is surprised the right is considerate, but like a true leftist, she’s somehow a victim when her hot mic comments are released.
    The host, Bolling – who looks like he’s had way too many face lifts, keeps stating how much he likes Williamson and agrees with her a lot. Who’s side is he on? He seems very progressive and liberal.

  4. She needs to get better at stringing together sentences that make sense. But the same could be said for the rest of the occupants of the clown car. At least she didn’t drop any F-bombs.

  5. I’ve got size 12 shoes that have a higher IQ than this hippie leftover. what a frickin’ dingbat. I mean, if you didnt know that going in. ..

    Can you imagine her face to face with some taliban leader? gosh, wally.


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