The Dems Seek Criminal Charges Against the President, Including 20 Years in Prison – IOTW Report

The Dems Seek Criminal Charges Against the President, Including 20 Years in Prison


We are witnessing a complete meltdown of the Democrat Party.
And the far left media hacks are RIGHT THERE WITH THEM 100%!

Liberal reporter Kyle Cheney posted the latest controversial language in the Democrat Party’s sham impeachment report.

The Democrats are alleging a 20 year prison sentence for something THEY NEVER EVEN VOTED ON~~

26 Comments on The Dems Seek Criminal Charges Against the President, Including 20 Years in Prison

  1. …I don’t want a single Democrat to go to prison.


    I want them to hang from the streetlights.

    ALL of them.

    …keep sowing the wind there, guys, just keep sowing…

  2. Dear Dems,

    Things haven’t really been working out for you lately and you all know your in big trouble. Instead of coming to your senses and admitting you have been laundering money, taking bribes, allowing illegals in for their votes and destroying the constitution you double down.

    As a reminder the penalty for high treason is “life imprisonment”. That’s a long time (well not for those of you that have been in congress for 30+ years). I don’t know if the death penalty still applies for the U.S. but I’d rather see you are all in orange jumpsuits waiting in line with your food tray eating some crap that only Michelle Obama would serve to school children.

    Trump is winning and the end is near, watching you slither farther down the rabbit hole is becoming a national pastime. We just love all this winning.
    See ya all Tuesday Nov. 23rd.



  3. Go ahead and try to put my President in jail on some trumped-up charge (pardon the pun) and see what happens. Go ahead; try it. I’ll just be right over there. Sitting in front of that reloading machine.

  4. From the people who brought you the selling of our missile technology to Red China in exchange for illegal campaign contributions that netted Al Gore a record setting FEC fine at the time. Held in Buddhist temples and drinking so much iced tea that he wasn’t in the room for the treason.

    And speaking of bribery, what was $1.5B in palates of cash at an Iranian tarmac supposed to buy again?

  5. I only want to punish those dems who voted for impeachment with no evidence of any crime.
    All in the house you say?
    A charge of Treason all around plus Hillary and her cabal.
    Treason is still a hanging offense.

  6. If it came down to it, I’ll bet there are a lot of us willing to stand & defend our president from the commies & their minions.
    Been itching to ventilate some of these assholes for a long time.

  7. Finally, we get to see the explosive direct evidence that Schiff always had against the Criminal-in-Chief Trump. I knew that Schiff and Nadler would not let us down. Their painstaking effort to use the tools that have been set in place by our forefathers to preserve the constitution shows that the system does work! It’s time to bring down Trump’s entire criminal operation from his vote tampering to capture the 2016 election, to his fraudulent immigration policies with the illegal wall and not to mention his ability to stir up extreme civil unrest to help him hide his nefarious machinations. I only hope that when this is all over that we can give the reigns of this presidency back to our rightful president and winner of the popular vote Hillary Clinton.

  8. For impeachment offenses, I was promised a 48 oz. tomahawk steak medium rare with twice baked potatoes and a 32 oz. beer.

    I got a lettuce wrap, a warm glass of tap water and was told that it can be just as filling.

  9. They also want the penalty for not agreeing with them: A week in the stocks,
    Showing disdain for them and their nonsense: Ritual shaming and a flogging
    Making mock of the impeachment hearings: Flaying of one limb or branding
    Doing unflattering impressions of members of Congress: Molten lead or silver in one or both ears.


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