The Deranged Left Would Have a Baby Suck On a Barren Man Titty Just So Not To Offend a Mentally Ill Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman – IOTW Report

The Deranged Left Would Have a Baby Suck On a Barren Man Titty Just So Not To Offend a Mentally Ill Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman

Picture 4

Midwives Can’t Say ‘Pregnant Women’, Must Say ‘Birthing Individuals’ To Avoid Offend Breastfeeding Trans Dad

This reminds me of my all-time favorite comment made by an iOTW reader.

It was an article about other cultures that we, as Americans, could “learn from.” One story was about a pygmy tribe where the men allow the babies to suck on their tits. The author went on and on about nurturing, and bonding and the superiority of a culture that allows the babies to do this.

Mary Jane Anklestraps said, blithely, “That’s why they’re pygmies.”

Floored me.

9 Comments on The Deranged Left Would Have a Baby Suck On a Barren Man Titty Just So Not To Offend a Mentally Ill Man Who Thinks He’s a Woman

  1. …Because my surgery removed most of my breast tissue, I don’t know how much I’ll be able to breastfeed, but I really want to try.”

    Pick a f*cking gender and stick with it, mmmkay, snowflake?

  2. This, right here, is how horror movies get started.

    You’re not a woman, Mr. man titty. There are some actual real life women who don’t produce milk after giving birth, but some how you think you can?

    That fool is worse than a Pygmy because the backwards Pygmies have only recently learned to wear donated old Steely Dan concert t shirts and dolphin shorts. Mr. man titty lives in modern day society, had some sort of education and still doesn’t know his balls and dick are a deciding factor in who he is. You’re a MAN.
    And letting him think otherwise is doing a huge disservice to the mentally ill.

    From Meet The Parents:

    Greg: “Oh yeah, you can milk anything with nipples”

    — “I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk ME?”

    Because he’s a MAAAAAAAN.

  3. Ugh. Shades of Stephen Ira Beatty, née Kathlyn, the oldest child of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening. “He” “identifies” as male, but loves dressing in feminine clothing and wants to have babies……and is still attracted to men.

    Go away. Just go away.

  4. Just took a good look at the photo.

    Yeah, dumbass, nothing says “I identify as a womyn” like a little faggot – assed goatee.

    I’ve decided to become a social activist. My agenda will be to get these freaks to go hide under rocks.

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