The derelict media – IOTW Report

The derelict media

Meanwhile, the CNN Headline—-

Jared Kushner, Melania Trump advise Trump to accept election loss

President Donald Trump’s inner circle is beginning to split over his ongoing refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election, as Jared Kushner and first lady Melania Trump advised him to come to terms with President-elect Joe Biden’s victory and his adult sons pressed him and allies to keep fighting.

Kushner, the President’s son-in-law and senior adviser, has approached him to concede, two sources told CNN. The first lady, according to a separate source familiar with the conversations, has privately said the time has come for him to accept the election loss.



35 Comments on The derelict media

  1. Before Trump concedes anything, Biden should work with Trump to confirm 2020 election results were legally cast. Ensuring a fair election should be any president or potential president-elect’s first obligation.

  2. When I saw that yesterday I rolled my eyes. Disinformation is the key to pulling off this coup. Believe nothing – they lie, they want you focusing on things that are fake and missing what you should focus on.

  3. From what I hear Trump is already stating he will not attend Biden’s inauguration.

    Which seems to indicate he knows he has lost the election and Biden will be the next President.

    If not, why would he be talking about refusing to attend it?

  4. After all the lies CNN has spewed for decades we’re all going to roll over and believe you now? 🤔

    Micheal Obama is out there lecturing Trump supporters on how we need to accept that Beijing Biden is President Elect, go F yourself. The absolute gall of these people never ceases to amaze. 🤬

  5. Derelict is way too soft a word.
    Traitorous scum is much more accurate.
    Other than to see what the enemy is doing do not watch or
    listen to the lies. Unsubscribe to all of those that may be
    on your lists. Get off of social media to cut their incomes from selling your information. Spread articles stating the truth to everyone you know and ask them to network it out. Fight back. Don’t whine.

  6. There is no quit in Democrats.

    There is no start in Republicans.

    Democrat functionaries are trying to steal this election and half of the Senate and almost half of the House are AWOL.

    You want The Establishment to give you a job? Let Democrats win and don’t defend Trump.

  7. Anybody who would tell Trump to concede at this point was kicked to the curb two years ago. And I know everybody hates Jared, but that’s why he’s being put front and center in this bullshit narrative.

    And for you trolling fools like Anonymous up there: Threatening to persecute Trump to the ends of the earth after he leaves office is not good persuasion to make him concede.

  8. You guys who detest Jared Kushner need to read Doug Wead’s bio on Trump. Kushner is not the traitorous embed in the WH you think he is.

    Do you really think that POTUS Trump has such a familial bias that he would take bad counsel from his son-in-law? Kusher has been at the very center of Trump’s success in the ME.

  9. PT won’t attend Biden’s inauguration because it will be PT’s 2nd one, in all likelihood–that’s probably why PT commented as he did “ANONYMOUS,” that’s my guess–do not get it twisted!

  10. “Kusher has been at the very center of Trump’s success in the ME.”

    While the US was in chaos with BLM and Antifa. While bogus COVID lockdowns took place and millions of people were thrown out of work and into poverty. Too bad Kushner couldn’t have been at the center of Trump’s success in the US. But I’m sure he was at the center of Trump’s (and his own) success during the stimulus and CARES ACT, so there’s that.

    I saw Tucker’s famous “The trailer parks are solid” episode and it left me with no doubt how Kushner feels about Trump’s base.

  11. “Never, ever, ever give up! Never, never, ever give in if what you’re doing is just!” ~ Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America

    I know the urge is great in some to give up and believe that dementia-addled loser, Joe Biden, and his Communist running mate have — by hook and by crook — “won” the election and will be installed in OUR White House. I do understand the pessimism is based on so many past disappointments. But this situation is different. Never, aside from the outcome of the Revolution and Civil War, has the time called for a fight from American patriots to go down with the ship, if that’s what it takes. If we abandon our posts now, nothing will be left for us to persue Life, Liberty and Happiness. There will be no more lemons for us to make lemonaide. There will never be “another day” for those who “fight and run away.”

    If there was ever a time to fight for the survival of our homes, this is it. Don’t believe for a moment that we can regroup under a Biden regime. You’ve all seen their promises. Now double those down. That would be more accurate. They are willing to subvert the only method of defeating them, what makes you think they will stop there?

  12. Brad — then read Wead’s book.

    All — now is not the time to speculate about who said what about whom among our president’s inner circle. That’s exactly the outcome the rat-fucking media wants to have happen. When the wolf is at the door, the family inside the house doesn’t start demoralizing each other by feeding each other, one by one, out through the mail slot. So stop it!

  13. If Trump concedes, there are no more recounts, lawsuits, special inquiries and such. All will be tossed in the proverbial dustbin of history along with Trump himself and everything he accomplished. No, I don’t think Jared, Ivanka, or Melania are urging him to concede.

  14. “…come to terms with President-elect Joe Biden’s victory…”

    …I like how they keep saying “President-elect”, like wishing will make it so. They are trying to put it beyond doubt in stupid people’s tiny minds that he IS the legit president-elect to make it a fait accompli so there will be no WAY to let the actual vote fraud investigatons go through.

    …well, since CNN missed a civics class or two, perhaps they don’t KNOW that, even if there WERE no question of a stolen election, there would STILL be NO president-elect at this time.

    Because people don’t elect presidents, they elect electors.

    And there IS no ACTUAL president elected until the ELECTORAL COLLEGE votes.

    …so either way, they just keep repeating what would be a lie even in less tumultous times, just the media trying to rewrite the Constitution to give themselves the official kingmaker role.

    …and if we DO end up with a Harris presidency, it means that they have SUCEEDED, unless and until WE perform our OWN Constitutional duties under the 2nd Amendment…

  15. TimBuktu, exactly. Ann has been fighting the good fight for years, long before the Trump candidacy. She was instrumental in getting him to run and was a solid supporter.

    Until she began to notice anomaly after anomaly with regard to his administration and the people in it. So she went public with her displeasure, something we all should have been doing. What did she get for her pains? Nastiness and censure from many deluded deplorables, who should have been speaking up, which would have been the only way to get Trump to do what he promised. Otherwise he’ll keep dishing out what has become business as usual for his administration.

    Trump won this election, if you take away the massive fraud. However, he won’t be President. As some have said quietly, he and his “team” will do a lot of stuff that looks good, but is designed to lose. There will, however, be lots of sound and fury and herky-jerky chaos over the next month or so. So as Q says, enjoy the show.

  16. @Margot

    Exactly – back atcha!

    I like Trump a lot, but he is not superman. Ann Coulter has pointed out things that displease her about the Trump Administration. As a political analyst, that’s her job

  17. You doctrinaire conservatives nauseate me. It must feel real good critiquing from the cheap seats. Name one other person in the entire world right now who is better for this country than Trump?

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