I’m going to sterotype here and I may regret my foolishness…but…
If there’s one thing I’ve noticed, time and again, it’s that black Americans who are fed up with the Democrats and who so deeply feel the betrayal by them, are awesomely succinct and savage in their blistering rebukes. There have been some whites who have “gone viral” now and again, but nothing compares to blacks who are totally disgusted. I wish I had that ability to command a room like that. I wish we had people like this gal on some oversight committees. Well done!
It’s going to be amazing having our black brothers and sisters back in the Republican party and officially members of America’s conservative side. They must be heartsick of seeing generations of blacks sidelined by the Democrats.
What will it take to steal this election if the black, etc outrage is truly this accurate and widespread?
Saturday, 7 September 2024, 16:20 at 4:20 pm
“What will it take to steal this election if the black, etc outrage is truly this accurate and widespread?”
…Oh, I dont know, maybe 20,000 “refugees” in every dinky city in every Red State?
…and Dominion hasnt gone anywhere either, and the dead which Democrat policies have made many more of are ALWAYS reliably Democrat…
As Elmer Fudd once said, “Fiiii-waaa”!
(Ok, so it was really Robin Williams, but the sentiment is spot on)
Good thing our ‘elected’ betters don’t have to pay any attention at all to the citizens. Would make their lives difficult. So they don’t. And there are no repercussions.
Maybe, one day, we will take our country back from these despoilers. But I doubt that. The subservience demonstrated during covid educated these evil people as to exactly what sheep they were dealing with. They noticed.
…the one thing I am concerned about is the motivation behind some of these rants about illegals. In a lot of cases the anger is fueled by the idea that cities, like Chicago, are giving money to alien invaders instead of blacks. Obviously, we’d prefer that former Democrat voters have a change of thinking about anyone being subsidized on the backs of tax-payers. And Jessica Jackson, like many disillusioned Democrat voters, seems to think that DJT, RFK, “That Tulsi lady”, or some other individual is going to go to Chicago and personally clean things up, which just isn’t true. No question that federal policies under Trump will move Chicago and other blue cities in the right direction but cities like Seattle and Portland, for example, seemed to grow even worse from a political standpoint when Trump was in office simply due to stiff-necked Democrat strongholds who actively fought against him, even at the sacrifice of their citizens’ interests. I hope the next phase of black America’s epiphany includes a revelation that the welfare assistance money they’ve always factored into their scenario is the biggest reason they aren’t free people.
Was that Pres Camacho’s mom?
The dem cheating machine is enormous. I pray the Trump turnout is to big to rig and the Repubs are doing their jobs and won’t let fraudulent ballots be counted.
AA my love they need jobs,not the false promises,as we all know the Democrats have been telling them since LBJ,they have been lied to for over almost 70 years. Now that their ox is being gored, they are pissed off, who can blame them,as we all should be.It’s our Ox too
Just like we have all been dragged along with the Rinos for years.
Same thing different party.
We have been aware or it for 8 years or more now,thanks to President Trump,but they are just waking up to the fact (The Dems) that none of them have our best interest at heart.
This is a very good thing to see.
And Dads, that is the key thing that is missing, all planed by we know who.
President Trump back in the White House in 2025 or we are screwed, and who knows what will happen.
Oooh, she on fire. Oh yea honey, mama mad.
Black friends of mine, who are retired military and came out of the Mississippi Delta and joined the military and retired and stayed here in Washington sound just like her.
Many urban black Americans know the tide has turned and their welfare ride is over. It scares the crap out of them, Black inner city Americans have to now hit the ground running and create their own wealth through independent entrepreneurship. The only way they can survive economically. It’s going to be an uphill battle in this Biden/KamalMao socialistic business killing environment, but they have no choice.
Also, once a lot of these illegal invaders get on their feet, they will be doing the same thing – starting businesses. Most are savvy and won’t settle for decades of handouts from the government, unless it strategically gains them an advantage somehow like cartels, illegals sending welfare payments back to their countries etc.
Ironically, many will be voting Republican, because they’ve experienced tyranny in their rathole nations of origin and don’t want to experience it in the United States.
Generations of urban black Americans bowing down to Democrat polices has cost them a great deal in all aspects of life. Especially, consistently murdering their children by abortion.
Nosediving the black population in America to rock bottom. Meaning they are losing political and economical clout. It may take a generation for them to rebound. By then if the illegal invaders haven’t been deported in droves, it won’t matter.
The best chance of improvement for black Americans, in general is to go back to thier roots of knowing Christ as Savior and Lord. Making God the source for their blessings in everything. Reestablish Christian churches that taught the the truth of God’s Word and never again be corrupted by Satan’s lies.
The Christian church, where this inner city black lady, in this clip railing against evil, learned her firebrand cadence style of evangelism. There are many like her. Passionately shouting the truth and exposing the devil…to his face. God bless her.
Jeremiah Wright said it already.
Guess he was a prophet.
I like this lady.
“A tampon man that ran from duty”
…Best Awolz description EVER.
I’m going to sterotype here and I may regret my foolishness…but…
If there’s one thing I’ve noticed, time and again, it’s that black Americans who are fed up with the Democrats and who so deeply feel the betrayal by them, are awesomely succinct and savage in their blistering rebukes. There have been some whites who have “gone viral” now and again, but nothing compares to blacks who are totally disgusted. I wish I had that ability to command a room like that. I wish we had people like this gal on some oversight committees. Well done!
It’s going to be amazing having our black brothers and sisters back in the Republican party and officially members of America’s conservative side. They must be heartsick of seeing generations of blacks sidelined by the Democrats.
What will it take to steal this election if the black, etc outrage is truly this accurate and widespread?
Saturday, 7 September 2024, 16:20 at 4:20 pm
“What will it take to steal this election if the black, etc outrage is truly this accurate and widespread?”
…Oh, I dont know, maybe 20,000 “refugees” in every dinky city in every Red State?
…and Dominion hasnt gone anywhere either, and the dead which Democrat policies have made many more of are ALWAYS reliably Democrat…
As Elmer Fudd once said, “Fiiii-waaa”!
(Ok, so it was really Robin Williams, but the sentiment is spot on)
Good thing our ‘elected’ betters don’t have to pay any attention at all to the citizens. Would make their lives difficult. So they don’t. And there are no repercussions.
Maybe, one day, we will take our country back from these despoilers. But I doubt that. The subservience demonstrated during covid educated these evil people as to exactly what sheep they were dealing with. They noticed.
…the one thing I am concerned about is the motivation behind some of these rants about illegals. In a lot of cases the anger is fueled by the idea that cities, like Chicago, are giving money to alien invaders instead of blacks. Obviously, we’d prefer that former Democrat voters have a change of thinking about anyone being subsidized on the backs of tax-payers. And Jessica Jackson, like many disillusioned Democrat voters, seems to think that DJT, RFK, “That Tulsi lady”, or some other individual is going to go to Chicago and personally clean things up, which just isn’t true. No question that federal policies under Trump will move Chicago and other blue cities in the right direction but cities like Seattle and Portland, for example, seemed to grow even worse from a political standpoint when Trump was in office simply due to stiff-necked Democrat strongholds who actively fought against him, even at the sacrifice of their citizens’ interests. I hope the next phase of black America’s epiphany includes a revelation that the welfare assistance money they’ve always factored into their scenario is the biggest reason they aren’t free people.
Was that Pres Camacho’s mom?
The dem cheating machine is enormous. I pray the Trump turnout is to big to rig and the Repubs are doing their jobs and won’t let fraudulent ballots be counted.
AA my love they need jobs,not the false promises,as we all know the Democrats have been telling them since LBJ,they have been lied to for over almost 70 years. Now that their ox is being gored, they are pissed off, who can blame them,as we all should be.It’s our Ox too
Just like we have all been dragged along with the Rinos for years.
Same thing different party.
We have been aware or it for 8 years or more now,thanks to President Trump,but they are just waking up to the fact (The Dems) that none of them have our best interest at heart.
This is a very good thing to see.
And Dads, that is the key thing that is missing, all planed by we know who.
President Trump back in the White House in 2025 or we are screwed, and who knows what will happen.
Oooh, she on fire. Oh yea honey, mama mad.
Black friends of mine, who are retired military and came out of the Mississippi Delta and joined the military and retired and stayed here in Washington sound just like her.
Many urban black Americans know the tide has turned and their welfare ride is over. It scares the crap out of them, Black inner city Americans have to now hit the ground running and create their own wealth through independent entrepreneurship. The only way they can survive economically. It’s going to be an uphill battle in this Biden/KamalMao socialistic business killing environment, but they have no choice.
Also, once a lot of these illegal invaders get on their feet, they will be doing the same thing – starting businesses. Most are savvy and won’t settle for decades of handouts from the government, unless it strategically gains them an advantage somehow like cartels, illegals sending welfare payments back to their countries etc.
Ironically, many will be voting Republican, because they’ve experienced tyranny in their rathole nations of origin and don’t want to experience it in the United States.
Generations of urban black Americans bowing down to Democrat polices has cost them a great deal in all aspects of life. Especially, consistently murdering their children by abortion.
Nosediving the black population in America to rock bottom. Meaning they are losing political and economical clout. It may take a generation for them to rebound. By then if the illegal invaders haven’t been deported in droves, it won’t matter.
The best chance of improvement for black Americans, in general is to go back to thier roots of knowing Christ as Savior and Lord. Making God the source for their blessings in everything. Reestablish Christian churches that taught the the truth of God’s Word and never again be corrupted by Satan’s lies.
The Christian church, where this inner city black lady, in this clip railing against evil, learned her firebrand cadence style of evangelism. There are many like her. Passionately shouting the truth and exposing the devil…to his face. God bless her.