The Difference Between the Left and Right is the Right Extrapolates the Logical Conclusion of Policy – IOTW Report

The Difference Between the Left and Right is the Right Extrapolates the Logical Conclusion of Policy

The left just says shit in order to sound more virtuous than you. But they are incapable of predicting the logical outcome of their 3rd grade Christmas list proclamations.


DAN MCLAUGHLIN: Are they for real? Deluded mayors demand $5billion from taxpayers to fix a migrant crisis THEY welcomed to their ‘sanctuary cities’!

America has lost all control. The numbers are eye-watering. Around 600,000 ‘gotaways’ crossed the Southern border undetected in the last fiscal year. 900,000 more, out of 2.4 million migrants encountered by guards, were willingly released into the US. In total, that’s equivalent to the population of Philadelphia. Of course, Joe Biden and his Democrats are to blame. But now their own party’s mayors are begging for billions of taxpayer dollars to remedy a problem they asked for. The absolute gall of these people.


It’s not gall. It’s stupidity and hubris- a lethal combo.

7 Comments on The Difference Between the Left and Right is the Right Extrapolates the Logical Conclusion of Policy

  1. @Zonga — Spot on!

    I reject any assertion that there’s a correlation between intelligence and successfully getting elected. The implication to be drawn from that is that roughly half of elected pols are above average in the smarts department. For them, it cannot be stupidity and hubris. I readily accept the hubris, but its accompanying attribute then has to be simply evil.


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