The Dilapidated Donald Trump State Park Is the Fault of NY State, Not Our President – IOTW Report

The Dilapidated Donald Trump State Park Is the Fault of NY State, Not Our President

The Daily Mail dredged up an old news story and tried to get their moronic readership lathered up and furious with Trump because of a blighted property in Westchester/Putnam Counties. They’ve succeeded. The idiots are calling the property symbolic of Trump failure. (What has he failed at?)

The real story is one of New York left-wing incompetence.

In the late 90s, Trump became interested in 436 acres of land that he wanted to turn into one of his many private golf courses. It had a dinky pool that was in crumby condition, and tennis courts that no one used. He bought it for 2 million dollars.

The plans he submitted were continually denied by the town’s zoning boards. After nearly a decade of butting heads with local politicians, Trump donated the land back to the state in 2006 and took a $100,000,000 dollar write-off on his taxes. WINNING. Always winning.

What would have been a jewel in the otherwise lackluster Yorktown Heights, NY, now sits as a wasteland. The country club would have invigorated a stagnant economy and been the most elegant think in the entire town, creating jobs and creating tax revenue.

Within 4 years the state stopped putting maintenance money into the land and abandoned it. The state is so incompetent that the sign for a Donald J. Trump State Park is still on the Taconic State Parkway. The sign at the entrance is also there, even though the park is not listed on the state park registry.

But somehow, in the fevered minds of moronic leftists, this is Trump’s fault.

Now there is a move by the lefties in the town to rename the park. The sign was there for years, but suddenly it offends them.

So what have they proposed the name be changed to?

One proposal is Peter Salem State Park.

Peter Salem is a Muslim that fought in the revolutionary war. This is supposed to be a burn because the president, you see, HATES MUSLIMS.

The other proposal is to name it Heather D. Heyer Park. She’s the girl who died in Charlottesville. In the left’s addled minds this is supposed to humiliate Trump because, of course, he is somehow responsible for this woman’s death. Or he doesn’t care about her.

I say they name it Kate Steinle Park.

What do you guys say?


21 Comments on The Dilapidated Donald Trump State Park Is the Fault of NY State, Not Our President

  1. I say they should honor their false god and his record of achievement and name it barry husien barak park while leaving it in it’s exact condition for all time as a reminder to future generations of what will happen when you elect an empty suit.

  2. If you want to see that park upscaled to the height of elegance, call it Hillary Rodham Clinton State Park. There is no way the left would let something named after their queen be in such a pathetic state. Unfortunately the taxpayers will take the multi-billion dollar (construction + graft) hit.
    On second thought, screw ’em. They voted for the EVIL bitch.

    That’s the first and last time I ever typed that name. My fingertips are already starting to go numb.

  3. In the town I grew up in, there was a pay to use pool, built in the post war boom. A 5.00 seasonal pass with a .50 swim/sun all day fee. As you might imagine, in the mid 70s it was targeted for…well, you know. Most formerly paying members stopped going… within the next season, it looked a lot like the photo above. Funny how that works.

  4. I looked at it on google maps aerial view. It’s mostly wooded, with only about 5% of the total land showing the dilapidated buildings. Why are the lefties complaining? Because of Trump the land is being reclaimed by nature. They should be ecstatic.

  5. I noticed the Mohansic golf course on the other side of Taconic State Parkway. I bet he couldn’t get the permits because the government leadership was already heavily invested in that course…

  6. That same article said the land is near worthless. How in the world is 436 acres of land, less than an hour from New York City ever going to be worthless? If it really was worthless we could call it Daily Mail State Park.

  7. Can you imagine how nice that park would be if Trump were initially in control of it? He’d build another Mar Lago there. And yes, it’s Mar Lago. Who added that gay -a- to it? CNN? Beuller?

  8. Well for heavens sake, for once I think the left has a marvelous idea.

    Take down those Trump signs and pit up whatever leftist loser’s name you choose! Do not change a thing at the eyesore park, no federal government funds for it, at all.W at a fantastic tribute to the ruination of everything the left gets its claws into.

  9. Leave the name.
    Offer the idiots that run that shithole that if they deed it to the Feds then they will take over maintenance.
    Then when the Feds want to make improvements and the Schitty Council balks, they can be told to go pound sand.
    Then make the park great, and charge locals exorbitantly to visit

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