The disingenuous stand of Cory Gardner – IOTW Report

The disingenuous stand of Cory Gardner

Patriot Retort: Yesterday Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that he would rescind a 2013 memo by the Obama Justice Department not to enforce federal drugs laws in states that have legalized marijuana.

And Colorado Republican Senator Cory Gardner got mad.

Yes, sir, folks. Cory Gardner is going to fight back!!!


By holding up DOJ nominations in the Senate.

That’ll teach him!

If only Cory Gardner was in a position to change federal drug laws.


This makes me think of a Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs watches Daffy Duck careen off a cliff, scream helplessly and plunge toward the earth. And Bugs says, “I wonder if that silly duck will remember he can fly.”

I wonder if that silly Senator will remember he’s a legislator.  MORE

9 Comments on The disingenuous stand of Cory Gardner

  1. There should be a federal drug law.


    If the container says “Tylenol”, it better be tylenol and not duck weed. If the container says “Insulin”, same thing goes.

    That ought to do it for federal drug laws.

  2. Obama had a history of not enforcing laws he didn’t like.
    And if laws were not on the books, his agencies would write policies and regulations to circumvent Congress. There were always progressive/socialist Judges to back the agencies in their efforts.

    Congress did nothing to thwart these encroachments of the Constitution or pass laws against these actions. Boehner, Pelosi, Reid, Ryan and Schummer are no less guilty.

  3. It’s almost like some states have realized they need to explain to Columbia the need to step out while their silver buckled shoes can still reach the ground. Almost.

  4. “feds need to stay out of states bidness”
    They could say the same to us regarding federal immigration laws. However, must of us don’t care about enforcement of laws against marijuana. We take immigration more seriously. This is no hill to die on.

  5. What people drop, snort, smoke or rub on their bellies is their own fucking business.
    The consequences are as well. What puzzles me is the constant focus on cannabis – out of all the myriad products derived from the earth, it has no proven lethal effect.
    Unlike opiates, or tobacco, or alcohol, or…….
    “Authority” doesn’t have any say about that, per the Constitution.

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