The DNC’s “IT Technician” was a guy who was fired from McDonald’s – IOTW Report

The DNC’s “IT Technician” was a guy who was fired from McDonald’s

This sounds like a made-up insult.

“Your party’s so bad it’s hiring guys who couldn’t handle the deep fryer at McDonald’s.”


Multiple members of Congress hired as their information technology (IT) administrator an individual whose most recent job experience was being fired from McDonald’s, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

Spokesmen for the members won’t say what their bosses knew at the time, but the hiring decisions highlight the role — witting or unwitting — the representatives played in what turned out to be an alleged multi-million-dollar IT scam in Congress with serious implications for national security.

Soon after Imran Awan joined the staff of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz in 2005, his brothers Abid and Jamal, his wife Hina, and his brother’s wife Natalia all appeared on other members’ payrolls, supposedly as IT administrators. His best friend Rao Abbas landed on the payroll too. Most of them made salaries ordinarily only chiefs of staff earn, but they were rarely seen or heard from in Hill IT circles.

The crew is now the target of a U.S. Capitol Police criminal information security probe with assistance from other law enforcement agencies as needed. Politico reported the “House staffers are accused of stealing equipment from members’ offices without their knowledge and committing serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network.”



How the hell could the Russians have hacked into this Rock of Security at the DNC?

The password was probably Happy Meal.

23 Comments on The DNC’s “IT Technician” was a guy who was fired from McDonald’s

  1. It’s rather glaring that he was hired (and his wrong doings subsequently ignored) because he is a muslim. 😐
    I wonder if this will be brought up in court?

  2. You know what I can’t believe is that there isn’t a riot level of outrage over this story. I like what I know about Jeff Sessions, but if he doesn’t start putting some heat on these criminals and traitors we need someone else as Attorney General.

  3. “I like what I know about Jeff Sessions, but if he doesn’t start putting some heat on these criminals and traitors we need someone else as Attorney General.”

    Hold on. A good Prosecutor builds an air tight case. I’ll hang with him until the end of Trumps first term. It may take that long. After that, find someone else.

  4. We Need to Treat these Guys Like Bin Ladin, Hunt there Asses Down and Make em Sing ! Don’t Let Hillary’s Hit Man Get There First. Actually We Need Him Too !

  5. Brad, really, 3 more years before you say enough is enough. Hell, the statute of limitations will have expired by then. You might be right, I’m just not very patient sometimes,

  6. As far as Sessions go, He needs to move now and get on the offensive. There’ll be plenty of time to gather more evidence when the dems file for delay after delay.

  7. How the hell could the Russians have hacked into this Rock of Security at the DNC?
    brother’s wife Natalia

    It’s not hacking if you have the root password.

    Several of the brothers have fled to Pakistan. No doubt with congratulatns from the ISI and Chinese intelligence.

  8. A month or so ago, I read somewhere that this Awan family ‘high-tailed’ it back to Pakistan. (Haven’t found a link yet, but will search it out sometime.)

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