The DOJ Releases ‘Breathtaking’ Report Detailing Rampant Covid Fraud During Pandemic – IOTW Report

The DOJ Releases ‘Breathtaking’ Report Detailing Rampant Covid Fraud During Pandemic

The Politics Brief:

The Department of Justice on Tuesday released a stunning report on the breathtaking scale of Covid-19 fraud perpetrated during the nearly three-years-long pandemic.

The Council of the Inspectors General, while making a renewed bid for more Congressional funding for the DOJ, highlighted numerous jaw-dropping examples of the rampant fraud that took place. more

20 Comments on The DOJ Releases ‘Breathtaking’ Report Detailing Rampant Covid Fraud During Pandemic

  1. Much like the wave of rampant fraud when teflon obola was installed and dragged his dickHolder AG with him.

    Every vendor was trying to rip me off. It lead to one less small business owner. Mission Accomplished, I guess.

  2. fraud of stethoscope-******* refusing to prescribe ivermectin & hcq? fraud of hospitals requiring vaxx before providing treatment? fraud of lock-downs & masking? gubmint, medicunt & pharma-dindus, blow me.

  3. Anonymous Wednesday, 10 April 2024, 13:23 at 1:23 pm

    My wonderful, smart, intelligent, honest doctor quit practicing at the end of 2020 because he couldn’t stand lying to patients. I’ve had some really good doctors in my life, but he was young and was on top of everything.

    Besides, he got my sense of humor and that doesn’t happen very often! hehe

    I hope he found some other clinic or went into private practice. If he was in my area, I’d still go to him.

    I hate what the government did to healthcare.

  4. Claudia Wednesday, 10 April 2024, 14:28 at 2:28 pm
    “I hate what the government did to healthcare.”

    For that alone,
    obola, Pelousi, and every legislator that voted for the “ACA” that they exempted themselves from (!!!),
    should live for perpetuity in Damnation.

  5. “… breathtaking scale of Covid-19 fraud perpetrated during the nearly three-years-long pandemic.”

    “… breathtaking scale of Covid-19 fraud perpetrated during the nearly three-years-long Covid-19 pandemic hoax.”

    Fixed it for ya!
    You’re welcome.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It was intended to destroy the American health care system and it did. In turn that will depopulate the US according to the global elites’ wishes. None of us are surprised that so many despicable ghouls jumped on an opportunity to make their fortunes despite how ill gotten their gains.

    Sociopaths every last one of them.


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