The Donald, Jacko and me – IOTW Report

The Donald, Jacko and me

Quirky story, with the reporter desperately trying to make it seem odder than it was, like some bizarre buddy film.

Yes, the picture is an odd juxtaposition. No, not Trump and Jackson.

Trump, Jackson and that muzzie in the background. Whose airplane was this?


Spectator — In 1990, a cub reporter found himself on a private jet with Donald Trump and Michael Jackson. He wasn’t told where they were going.

We were traveling on a private jet — a prototypical Hair Force One, though to be fair it wasn’t Trump’s — and I was seated across from the two headliners at a table for four. A nervous flier, I wondered whether being on a jet with Donald Trump and Michael Jackson made a crash more or less statistically probable. Would the pilots be dazzled by the celebrity wattage? Headlines flashed into my thoughts: ‘Jacko and Trump in Private Jet Horror’.

Michael was a nervous presence, taller than you’d think, with a finely shaped nose and visible make-up. If he had scars, you couldn’t see them. He spoke very little and in that weird, high-pitched whisper which would not have felt out of place in a Star Trek movie. I couldn’t make out what he was saying and thought it would be impertinent to ask him to repeat himself. So I nodded along, grinning enthusiastically. I’d be surprised if Trump could make head or tail of it either, but he was polite and good-humoured about it. All casino owners have a good poker face.


7 Comments on The Donald, Jacko and me

  1. The turban and jacket seems to indicate a Sikh not a Muslim. And before anyone says “so what”, Sikhs dislike Muslims so much they would not spit on one except after stabbing one. Maybe. No love lost there. You can usually go by the rule “cool looking turban:Sikh, ugly unkempt rag or tablecloth on head: Muslim
    Still no idea why he would be there.

  2. It’s going to take a guy like Trump to go up against the bad despots out there who think they’re pretty tough stuff. Trump isn’t going to be phased by them one bit. Their luxury homes/mansions/tents can’t out-do what he’s lived in or built. They cannot top Trump and there is his secret weapon — he’s not going to go all goo-goo eyed over their money like Hillary Rotten Clinton is. Just wave a crisp $100 bill under her nose and she’ll sell us out in a fraction of a second. Please God, let it be Trump who resides in our White House next year.

  3. That was an interesting article. It would have been a great picture of Jacko reading the National Enquirer with Donald Trump on the cover, while sitting next to Donald Trump. I bet he kicks himself in the ass for not asking if he could take the pic.

  4. That’s not a Muslim, that’s either a Hindu or a Sikh. Muslim men do cover their heads, but they don’t wear turbans. He’s probably either a body guard or worked at Trump’s Hotel,the TajMahal in Vegas. The plane belonged to the head of Sony,in Japan,Mr. Morita.

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