The Donald: Now and Then – IOTW Report

The Donald: Now and Then

How many flip-flops does one allow a candidate before you start to question the individuals seriousness, much less core values? Is Trump simply evolving, devolving, or is he exploiting the right’s need to hear plain tough talk?

Call him what you might, but straight-shooting might not be accurate at this point.

trump flip flops



26 Comments on The Donald: Now and Then

  1. Bill Clinton couldn’t have won without Ross Perot.

    If Trump is a plant is he simply there to alienate hispanics from the republican party or to also split the vote in the general by running as an independant after losing the primary?

  2. I don’t think he’ll make the primary, but you know what? He aired a lot of dirty laundry, he’s slamming Hills pretty good (The NYT doesn’t even like her), and he’s starting in on Jebby- and it’s up to the others to continue on it.
    He gave all Conservative candidates an opening. They need to run with it. No more playing nice. It never works with subhuman progs as they consider morals and goodness a weakness.

  3. This is a Washington Post /NBC video posted by Chris Cillizza – it is a DNC hit piece but there is really not too much here.

    So what if Trump said Hillary is a “nice person” (not really true but he is entitled to his opinion) and then said she would be a bad president – the two are not mutually exclusive

    In 2010 comment about O he was talking about the repairing the economy, his now comment is about O overall – apples to oranges

    I could go on but I need to get to work. Most of his then comments are from 1999 – the world has changed since then, so has the country

    WAPO could do the exact same thing about Hillary but has not and never will.

  4. You called it, MJA . . . Trump put it out there and showed it could be done, but the other candidates need to run with it. If they don’t, they’ve got no excuse.

  5. BS, Bush wouldn’t have won if he’d gotten all of Perot’s votes, the electroal votes just weren’t there.

    Bottom line, Bill Clinton is the fault of a squishy, new world order repbulican who raised taxes despite his pledge and left Saddam in power.

    Likewise Obozo is the fault of running squishy, new world order republicans against him.

    Everything Perot said was true, the evidence is indisputable.

  6. You know Trump is making an impact when he has both the El Presidente AND the recently escaped drug lord / scumbag condemning / threatening him.


  7. The goal of the two party system has nothing to do with winning elections, but with advancing their SHARED agenda. It doesn’t matter to them which party is in power, so long as the main players are suitably socialist, evil and controlled. So, when a candidate comes along who believes he can not only win the election on his own, but without taking ideological marching orders from party central, the results are predictable. An endless string of simpering morons like Lindsey Glitter Graham, decrying the candidate’s words and reminding Americans that they and only they are reasoned, wizened, experienced, stalwart and true….and that anyone who doesn’t parrot their party line will lose. They hope. God, how they hope.

    from Shad Olson, news anchor at newscenter one, KNBN, from his facebook page. This man is incredibly brilliant, and uses the english language like the 3 musketeers use their rapiers. Anyone posting here would enjoy his rants.

  8. I might be completely off base, but I suspect that Trump has found himself, at age 69, realizing that the most important work of his life still lies in front of him. Perhaps, at age 69, he’s arrived at a point where he knows he has to do something, since nobody else will.

    Recall that Reagan, too, spent much of his adult life as a Democrat.

    And even if he is a Democrat, he’s pointing a finger at and saying things that NOBODY ELSE will. He has touched a raw nerve with millions of us who share his fears, and some of us, it turns out, are still willing to give a fellow American the benefit of a doubt.

    Will he prevail as our nominee? Who knows?

    But would another spineless appeaser like Jeb Bush spell our doom? I believe it will.

    So there we are. We live in strange times.

    Trump may just be our strange salvation.

  9. Trump’s saying what needs to be said.

    I don’t really give a fuck about his motivations (simply because we can never see into a person’s heart, and what his true motivations are – we surmise on previous actions).

  10. I wonder if Trump carries concealed?
    I hope he does, it would be great to hear he has a passion for guns.
    He has a top notch security detail. I have seen them set up around him and push through crowds. He also uses several large vehicles around him on the road.
    The one he is in could be bullet resistant, never got close enough to it.

  11. Amen mja!
    These conservatives better wake up! I know the MSM are not covering any of their (Cruz, Rubio, etc) campaign outings but that’s no excuse not to start hammering and hammering big time Jeb, Graham and whatever else crawls out of the woodwork!
    If you’re going to call yourself conservative prove you have a pair if you want my vote!!

  12. Trump has a carry permit. MSNBC just last week tried to get him on gun control. He was asked if he owned guns and he responded he had a carry permit. She then asked if he shoots at a range or anything. He responded “None of your business”

  13. Perot got over 19 million votes. If you think that the majority of those votes would have gone to Slick instead of Bush & wouldn’t not have tipped the balance is various states……I’ll have some of what you’re smokin’….thank you.

    it’s too early to tell what Trump’s impact will be, or whether he goes third party……but if he does……it’s an awful big coincidence that the Clinton Crime Family will have the benefit of two such ‘conservative’ third party candidates to suck votes away from the eventual republican candidate
    …like Limbaugh sez….there are no coincidences where the Clintons are concerned…

  14. He’s a career salesman….(& deep down, that’s what politicians & lawyers are)….he’s always asking for money….one way, or another….
    How do you think he got so rich?

  15. MJA is spot on. I agree 110%. I think he’s cutting the wounds deep with the GOP and the same on the Libs.. And the MSM. For how long is the $500 question. He’s opened the door to show that “it can be done” if they have the backbone for getting their hands dirty

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