The Drop and Roll – How the election was stolen – IOTW Report

The Drop and Roll – How the election was stolen

Short fascinating video by Jim and Joe Hoft.

This info is convincing, compelling, and distressing. Distressing, in that, it doesn’t seem to matter to anyone that the election was stolen.

Is there any hope that a criminal investigation will be launched into these allegations? It seems like there is no apparatus for such a thing. It seems like voter fraud is never taken seriously, and anyone complaining has “no standing” in the eyes of the law.

It’s as if you could have a smoking gun and the response is “what do you want to have done? Undo the election? That’s not going to happen. Biden will be president, and in time we will figure out exactly how he stole it, but tough titties.”

This is a banana republic. The left turns everything into a corrupt, faithless, hopeless, dystopia, with a ruling class on top of the shit pile.

ht/ hot salsa

15 Comments on The Drop and Roll – How the election was stolen

  1. “It’s as if you could have a smoking gun and the response is “what do you want to have done? Undo the election? That’s not going to happen. Biden will be president, and in time we will figure out exactly how he stole it, but tough shit.”
    This is a banana republic. The left turns everything into a corrupt, faithless, hopeless, dystopia, with a ruling class on top of the shit pile.”

    —The Magic Thing is the Second Amendment.
    In any REAL free country, the government has the CONSENT of the People to run things. If as is evident now, the government becomes unlawful (and unworthy) the remedy rests completely in the Right of the Citizens to bear arms.
    ANY government asshole who tries to remove that right deserves the remedy specified in the US Constitution: capital punishment.
    It doesn’t matter what any pol or journalist “thinks”. That is how all our laws are established, on those UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, and unless changed by the mechanisms specified from the beginning in that Constitution, all contrary opinion is BS.

    If that is to be the end of this “discussion”, so be it. The tears will come from the traitors to the Republic (never was a simple democracy)

    Lay on, President Trump, God go with you.

  2. Now is the exact time that God’s faithful people MUST stand in the gap with their continuing prayers. I was talking with a friend yesterday who said (and I agree): “This isn’t about an election — as important as it is. This is about running OUR race and standing steadfast in the face of evil; not running, hiding or ignoring it.”

    We must demonstrate our faith in the face of all past disappointment. When POTUS Trump is finally shown to have not only won the election, but by a mind-blowing landslide, we can give all glory to God Almighty as our witness of his power and righteousness, to the rest of the world.

    I’ve felt all along that this election is secondary to what is really important these past several years; that we find our way back to God.

  3. I am convinced this election was corrupted towards the Democrats, my worry is that it will not be overturned despite the multitude of findings. Remember Hillary Clinton?


  4. rotten bananas need to be thrown out. Outside.
    Else they spread their rot to every other thing.

    Haven’t we coddled these idiots long enough?
    Ultimatum time, the costs have piled high enough.

  5. The deceptive ballot counts are not what is going to win this for Trump, or cause to get the military involved. However the voting machine manufactured in Canada, and the servers in Germany are foreign interference in a US election. That justifies Military involvement.
    Team Trump may have some success with domestic fraud with SCOTUS.

  6. As I wrote on an earlier thread: I think the reason we have heard almost nothing from the FEC and DOJ is because while they may have been briefed at the highest levels, they are being ordered to basically stand down by the president. I’m beginning to think that the reason Pompeo made such a bold statement about a transition is because he – in his official capacity – is involved as well as what Brad is saying, that the military is involved. Another reason to ponder Esper’s firing and replacement with Christopher What’s His Name, the new Acting SecDef.

  7. AA

    It’s important to realize who grabbed those servers in Germany. Or more importantly, who didn’t grab them. It wasn’t the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NAACP, or the Boy Scouts of America. It was the US Military.

  8. If massive voter fraud took place and the American public needs to know about it, solid evidence of the corruption and actions that will be taken (e.g. certifying the next President).

    All of this needs to be handled by a party not associated with the Trump administration lest there be an appearance of bias. Will it be communicated by the Judicial, Congress or Military?

    I think we are in for some interesting times in the next few months. The Trump era, if nothing else, is quite unpredictable.

  9. I read some commentary earlier this AM saying that Trump should hold a press conference and put forth this information to the public in an attempt to blow this wide open. The individual made a more compelling case for it than I ever could. But I don’t agree.

    Trump is the wrong person to do so. Too many won’t believe him and the media will either ignore him and/or spin it like they’ve never spun before. However, I believe that not only does the right person exist to expose this information on a larger scale, but that there may be a number of choices. I’ll mention a few. A few big players although some lessor bad actors might also get the job done.

    Right now the .gov has leverage over a number of people. That leverage should be exploited. It all hinges though, on how compelling a case the .gov has on people like Hillary, Biden and even Obama himself. The deal will essentially be a get out of jail free card. You go before the nation and atone for the sins committed in this election, or we pursue with the SCOTUS the evidence we have on this stolen election. You atone publicly for those sins and you win and we win. You don’t and we win and you lose.

    Would the Dem’s do this if the situation was reversed? In a heartbeat.

    I am aware that there are probably too many moving pieces to put this puzzle together but desperate times it’s said, do call for desperate measures.


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