The Dutch are teaching cows to use toilets – how about teaching supposed humans to do the same? – IOTW Report

The Dutch are teaching cows to use toilets – how about teaching supposed humans to do the same?


Teaching cows to use the toilet is not the easiest task, but a Dutch inventor is banking on a new bovine urinal to help cut emissions that cause environmental damage.

Tests have started on a farm in the Netherlands on the device which collects some of the 15 to 20 litres of urine that the average cow produces a day.

That produces huge amounts of ammonia in a country like the Netherlands, which is the world’s second-biggest agricultural exporter after the United States.

“We are tackling the problem at the source,” Henk Hanskamp, the Dutch inventor and businessman behind the “Cow Toilet”, told AFP Friday.

“A cow is never going to be completely clean but you can teach them to go to the toilet.”

The way the toilet works is “udderly” ingenious.


“A San Franciscan is never going to be completely clean but you can teach them to go to the toilet.”

19 Comments on The Dutch are teaching cows to use toilets – how about teaching supposed humans to do the same?

  1. I’m having trouble with this:

    That produces huge amounts of ammonia in a country like the Netherlands, which is the world’s second-biggest agricultural exporter after the United States.

    Really? Wait. Maybe the Netherlands is the second-biggest exporter of ammonia. Okay, I see. The article is from MSN, the pinnacle of fact checking.

  2. My grandpa’s barn had a trench in the concrete just behind the cows that they used successfully while being milked. Always made me wish the udders had been mounted more forward on the beasts.(splash, sploosh and plop)🤢

  3. @Fromage – We milked them by hand. From there we carried the pails into the basement where we put it into the separator. No pasteurized milk in my youth. Grandma churned the best damn butter I ever had to this day. When I got older and had to start purchasing store bought milk, whole milk was akin to skimmed milk in my opinion. Took a long time for me to acquire a taste for that stuff.

  4. Read something in a book once 40 or 50 years ago that has always stuck with me, don’t remember which one or who wrote it, to the effect that a developing culture moves itself farther and farther away from it’s own excrement as it becomes more advanced.

    It’s always been my observation that this is true, and a useful way to evaluate a culture.

    I suppose the opposite would be true of an advanced culture that is devolving to a lower state of development. I’m seeing this starting to happen in various places lately.

  5. @Different Tim
    Agree on the old ways
    Would love to have some of that butter
    But you didn’t answer the question
    Did old timers use bucket splash guards?
    Back before tubed teats
    Seems like they would of had to
    The probability of a backsplash swish seems high

    ‘It’s only Grass’

  6. I took a look t some of the top 10 lists (including the CIA World Facts) and saw about half listed the Netherlands as 6th largest while the other half they were listed as 2nd largest. Most of them had Canada listed as 8th which was surprising as I would have thought it would be higher. I suspect geography is a bigger factor then I thought. The Netherlands has a much larger marketplace in terms of number of countries they can sell to that are relatively close or at least relative to us.

  7. Fromage – we didn’t have splash guards. The trenches they dropped their business into were about a foot deep by about sixteen inches across and squared up so didn’t really get splash just smell. Cows had built in fly swatters (tails) that beat you upside the head on a consistent basis. Both grandparents saw the 90’s and never had any serious health problems so couldn’t be too bad.

  8. Fromage, I don’t claim the trenches were 100% effective. The idea of chocolate milk came from somewhere. My apologies to anyone eating their bowl of cereal while reading this.😉


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