The Embarrassingly Transparent Way the Left abUSES Kids – IOTW Report

The Embarrassingly Transparent Way the Left abUSES Kids

It is borderline abuse the way the left exploits children for political purposes. The Atlantic just wrote a piece that is simply too ridiculous to be believed.

A little kid adopted from Guatemala, by two mommies, started a petition that has garnered, now, national attention – Kids Against Trump.

Here’s what the kid has to say-

The idea for the petition started in February after some of Trump’s speeches. The candidate’s words troubled Micah on two levels. First of all, there were Trump’s disparaging comments about women, Muslims, and immigrants. Micah was adopted from Guatemala as an infant, and he has two moms. So it felt to Micah like Trump was attacking his family and friends.

But another thought stuck with Micah: I can understand everything he’s saying.

“He’s talking on my level—I’m 9 years old, ” Micah says. “That’s not okay.”

Alright, just wait a gaiadamn minute. This is a patently ridiculous statement made by a kid, a statement that was obviously fed to him by one of the two mommies.

This is not something a kid would ever say or do, judge an elder negatively because they understand what the adult is saying. Did kids think “it wasn’t okay” that Mr. Wizard was easily understood?

Was Mr. Rogers an idiot? They’d think so if one of their two mommies told them that he was an idiot. Otherwise the kids would simply think he was a nice man and they liked that he communicated in a way that was easily understood.

Would it be too clever of me to point out that if the 9 year-old is distressed that he can understand Trump, it is implied that he cannot understand Hillary. So why does the left feature kids in Hillary ads talking about how great she is? What do they know?

Would it be too rude of me to point out that there is nothing wrong with Trump communicating in a way that is easily understood, particularly when the left continually puts in their ads people who don’t even speak English?

On every level this is a ridiculous article, written by stupid people, about stupid people who are liars and exploit their children.

7 Comments on The Embarrassingly Transparent Way the Left abUSES Kids

  1. Amen – people that use their kids to parade their stupid viewpoints publicly are pathetic. This is the same group that tries to convince their boys they like to play with dolls and dress them androgynously like the picture of that kid I assume was born a ‘boy’ with long blonde hair and pink glasses. That is child abuse.

  2. Yeah, little kids haven’t learned to listen to DOUBLE SPEAK and hear what they want to hear. Yes, Micah, you heard right. In order to stop killing American wages, illegals will be deported, employers will be fined and until we can determine whether they are terrorists, Muslim “immigrants” will be kept from entering.

    So, Micah, if you want to hear what you want to hear, learn to listen to people who equivocate, obfuscate and pander. Then, you will feel good as you watch your adopted country turn from leftist-induced rotting offal to outright socialist sh!t.

  3. If he REALLY understood him, he’d know he was talking about ILLEGAL immigrants. Micah, being adopted, is here legally so, no, Trump was NOT talking about Micah’s family.

  4. Most gays that I know are very far to the left. A number of them think that they are superior to straight people. I am not sure if this is because they are gay or because they are liberal.
    I hate the words “two mommies” or “two daddies”

  5. @Butch: It makes sense (to me, anyway) that Gays would gravitate to the Left, because they are much more accepted there than they are on the Right. They also may feel more protected there, but that is not necessarily true, as has been shown by recent events.


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