The Emoji Movie Considered Part of the ‘Resistance’ – IOTW Report

The Emoji Movie Considered Part of the ‘Resistance’

I guess if Pixar can make successful movies about closet monsters and arcade game characters that defies physics and logic, it was only a matter of time before someone created a made up world of emojis that live in your phone and apparently are sentient beings with one personality.

Besides the inane premise for the film, the lead voice actor for the “Emoji Movie,” T.J. Miller, claims the film will instill young watchers with “progressive values” and that the it is a weapon to fight the administration.


Trailer Warning, you will feel stupider after watching this fluffy piece of easily digestible Hollywood crud.

10 Comments on The Emoji Movie Considered Part of the ‘Resistance’

  1. As soon as I saw “fighting the administration”, HuffPoo, and “progressive values”…….yeah…….NOT. I won’t waste my scarce hard earned dollars to support such trash (the movie AND the actors). I’ll wait until it comes to TV (about a month after it opens….and closes…at the theaters), and then I’ll either change channels or turn it off.

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