The Empire Is Struck Back – IOTW Report

The Empire Is Struck Back

Brownstone Institute

A strange thing happened in 2020. 

Most governments at all levels across the globe turned on their people. It was a shock because governments had never before attempted anything this audacious. It claimed to be exercising mastery over the whole of the microbial kingdom, the world over. It would prove this implausible mission as a valid one with the release of a magic potion made and distributed with its industrial partners who were fully indemnified against liability claims. 

Suffice it to say that the potion did not work. Everyone got Covid anyway. Most everyone shook it off. Those who died were often denied common therapeutics to make way for a shot that clocked the highest rate of injury and death on public record. A worse fiasco would be hard to invent outside dystopian fiction. More

10 Comments on The Empire Is Struck Back

  1. He talks like theres been a sea change.

    There has not.

    The people who got the money still have it.

    No one has gone to jail.

    No one has been executed.

    mRNA is still REQUIRED for young children in schools.

    mRNA is still pushed in every pharmacy and doctors office.

    mRNA is being touted as a cure for the very cancers mRNA itself is causing by no less a person than President Trump himself.

    Even RFK backed off comdemning it.

    …so the murders go unavenged, the murderers go unhung, the politicians keep their money and power, and the population keeps being subjected to more and worse poisions with no end in sight.

    Tell me again how profound this change is?

    Because all Im seeing is the names promoting the poision are different…

  2. Someone here (sorry, I don’t remember who) posited the idea that what we are seeing of the fraud at federal agencies may only be a front of, perhaps, an even deeper deep state; one that lays at the ready to resurface, given another opportunity. Or worse, one that cannot be eradicated — perhaps something like a deep vein connected to a global heart which just keeps beating.

    I quickly looked up the timeline and growth of the U.S. debt. Back in 1967 when a billion dollars was worth something, it was $34-35 billions. If we’re to believe anything reported by the U.S. government, today’s debt is well over $28 trillion. It’s most dramatic growth, year-over-year, occurred as a result of the covid CARES Act.

    It wasn’t enough that in the preceding years — before POTUS Trump’s first term — the giant sucking sound we heard was coming from China, who turned us into a failing country addicted to cheap consumer goods and obviously content to give over all our manufacturing jobs to a communist country in return for the lie that our future greatness would come from intellectual property and learning to code. I digress.

    Whatever and whoever is behind The Empire had better be smothered in its crib, once and for all time. Merely striking back at it, I fear, will only irritate it.

  3. … a magic potion made and distributed with its industrial partners who were fully indemnified against liability claims.

    That may be true, but nobody who demanded that others be coerced or forced or those actually engaged in coercion or applying force to subject unwilling participants to be a Guinea pig in any medical experiment has has violated what came out in the BINDING TREATY signed at the Geneva Convention and irrespective of all else they can and should be charged and tried under those conditions.

  4. Geez, SNS, ya gotta start somewhere … sometime …
    President Trump’s been in office … what? … less than a month?
    Not implying that he’ll fix it all, or even fix most, but he’s trying.

  5. Pretty good article but the exposure has only begun and too many people are still believing the old propaganda media that by what I can see doesn’t actually regret anything yet except that their efforts failed.

  6. “Most governments at all levels across the globe turned on their people.”

    Why wouldn’t they? If an election can be stolen in America an election can be stolen anywhere.

  7. Not That Anonymous
    Monday, 10 February 2025, 4:46 at 4:46 am

    “Not implying that he’ll fix it all, or even fix most, but he’s trying.”

    …he’s not trying with mRNA. He even said he wants cancer CURES based on it. The other day he used the vaxxx as an example of how the government can make money. Hes never made any statement suggesting that the poisioning of the children will or should end.

    Someone has convinced him that this particular evil is good. He may even have convinced himself since he started Operation Warp Speed that made untested murder shots possible.

    While its good that we have turned a societal corner on many bad things, and hes definitely better than the alternative, he still isnt denouncing the genocide, the maiming, the infanticides caused by mRNA of his own people.

    And that leaves open a deadly doorway for the forces of satan to yet murder us all.

  8. @SNS
    “And that leaves open a deadly doorway for the forces of satan to yet murder us all.”

    What you said was a light bulb for me! The goal of the Antichrist is to “murder us all” so that Jesus will have nobody to rule over in His kingdom when He returns. The mRNA is one method of extermination but not the only one that is to come.

    Matthew 24:21-22:

    21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
    22 “Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. (when Jesus returns.)

  9. @SNS – I am also a bit confused as to why Trump and RFK Jr seems to be supporting the mRNA death jab.

    The only thing I can come up with that makes any sense is that they both know that it’s a fight they cannot currently win – a “pick your battles” strategy. However, this doesn’t explain the Stargate project (AI), which Trump was touting, that includes an effort to use mRNA to “fight” cancer.

    I do believe it’s possible to create a virus that can fight cancer, but our knowledge isn’t there yet, and our greed overwhelms the absolute requirement to do extremely extensive testing on our attempt to play god.

    I’m not saying it’s a good thing though, as it opens the door for world government control by use of genetic markers and population control, to name a few.

  10. “Do one thing. Do it well. Move on.”
    We’ve been under the “Death of a Thousand Cuts” for decades. Civilization is being attacked from a thousand different directions, over a thousand different things.

    “How do you eat an elephant?”
    “One bite at a time.”

    I’m won’t argue the mRNA thing – I just hope President Trump gets to it sooner or later. First thing is to expose the Beast.


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