The ‘Empty Seats’ Thread – IOTW Report

The ‘Empty Seats’ Thread


Empty Seats Aplenty at Kickoff for the Start of Week 8.

In what has become one of the more predictable stories in all of sports, the NFL’s early games for featured plenty of empty seats.

Pictures Here

17 Comments on The ‘Empty Seats’ Thread

  1. Next season will be catastrophic. Most tickets were bought this year before the the assholes started their bullshit. They ain’t seen nothing until the public gets a fully informed fresh start. The multiplier effect on parking, food service, hotel rooms, and NFL paraphernalia is going to be devastating. Especially when the kneejerks continue their antics during the off season.

    Remember what Anne Batnhardt said about wearing a shirt with another man’s name on the back. It’s not manly.

  2. Trump should move to get rid of the NFL’s “charity” designation at the IRS, too.
    It’s about as much of a “charity” as the Clinton Foundation.
    Or the CPUSA and KKK and the American Nazi Party (or have they merged with the DNC?).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Working in the pole barn this weekend, came in and when the game started I stood like a true patriot and left the room. I don’t miss the NFL, I did get the snowblower ready, lawnmower winterized, convertible washed and stored and miracle of miracles my truck actually got into the garage.

    So this weekend somebody won and somebody lost. Not the teams, we the people are winning and the NFL is loosing. This is a better harbinger of how the populous is backing Trump than the worthless, slanted polls put out by political operatives. I’m sure the idiots that are telling us that President Trumps numbers are tanking and continuing to decline also believe that the NFL stadiums are packed and it’s just the weather or the late arrivals that give the appearance of empty seats. LMAO and love watching Trump MAGA.

  4. Don’t miss it.
    McLintock was on Saturday, so that was my TV Time.
    I spent Sunday noodling around and playing with my Dog and enjoying some writing time.
    Football is unpatriotic.
    The NFL is like a Christmas Tree the second week of January, just before all the needles fall off.
    Next year will be a humdinger.

  5. I’d sure like to get some accurate counts on attendance, on paid seats (used or not) on seasons tickets being sold back (if they can), on concession sales and expecially on network and cable viewership. If the viewers are down say 30% over last yeat then you can bet the advertisers are squeezing the NFL for refunds, if revenue sharing is falling off then teams are going to have a problem in paying the rents on the stadiums the taxpayors built and finally the players may be having trouble getting those big juicy checks every week. Frankly, you Yanks would probably be better off doing something other then being glued to the set watching football or having your wallet emptied by going to a game.

  6. This boycott will have long lasting effects. Usually, people (men) come to love football through watching it with their fathers. Men who I know that aren’t football fans either had fathers who weren’t fans or were not close to their fathers. The sons of the football fans boycotting will not grow up loving football. There will be a lost generation of football fans who then won’t raise football fans and so on…

  7. I began skipping watching Saints games when they were doing the take a knee bullshit as well as “team circles”. But the final nail in the coffin was when that past-his-sell-by-date coach Sean Payton opened his stupid, ignorant, know-nothing yap after the Vegas Massacre and spouted a bunch of gun-control idiocy.

    I used to wear a paper grocery sack over over my head when watching Saints games, with two holes poked out for the eyes and one hole for the mouth to drink lots and lots of pain-killing beer.

    I used to say GEAUX SAINTS. But until they fire Payton, fire Brees and stop this Take A Knee bullshit, it’s NEAUX SAINTS.

    /off topic – maybe it’s too early to say this but…..I think the Chicago Bears’ Zach Miller went too far yesterday with the Take A Knee thing!

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