The Enemedia is going to stop asking this one any questions – IOTW Report

The Enemedia is going to stop asking this one any questions

She is good.

27 Comments on The Enemedia is going to stop asking this one any questions

  1. What if you were married to her and she just caught you doing something you shouldn’t have been doing. You could never talk your way out of your predicament, you would have to beg for mercy.

  2. Unspoken message: “We’re tired of treating you with kid gloves. If you bring a gun to this fight, we’re going to bring a hydrogen bomb…Any questions?…Yes, Hiroshima?…”

  3. @MOLON LABE –

    “…methinks she’s even better than Sarah Sanders … & that’s saying a lot!…”

    I agree 100%. Sarah was very good at softly, yet firmly, defending against inaccurate and misleading questions, while Kayleigh dispenses with the subtlety and goes right for the jugular. She’s good…no, she’s GREAAAAAAATT!

  4. @Joe6pak – ya cracked me up there brother!

    @Dee – where ya been!?lol…

    Sarah was FANTASTIC, but Kayleigh digs very deep and identifies the targets before hand and ‘knows the questions’, before they are even asked.

    I was fortunate to hear her MANY times on the Joe Piscopo Radio Show before she hit the big time…


    Navy Phalanx – CIWS

  5. I had the same thought watching her approach the WH Press podium for the first time as I did watching President Trump descend the Trump Tower escalator – the left better buckle up. They’re in for a bumpy ride. LOL!

    I’ve said from the start after viewing her first press briefing, McEnany takes no prisoners and uses that notebook like a saber. She’s fantastic!

    Sanders was focused, tough and dedicated, but McEnany smiles as she cleverly skewers the leftist media.

  6. If only Don had AG’s as brave and conservative as his Press Secs! Barr is much better than GWB’s boy Jeff. but that does not say much.

    First time in 30 years 2 conservatives to facet LSM!


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