The Entertainment Left Screaming “Satanic Panic” After Horrific Grammys – IOTW Report

The Entertainment Left Screaming “Satanic Panic” After Horrific Grammys


On Feb. 6, 2022, certain corners of the internet could not stop talking about Sam Smith and Kim Petras. The night prior (Sunday, Feb. 5), the pair took home a Grammy Award for best pop duo/group performance, marking the first-ever victories for a transgender or non-binary artist in the category, respectively.

That historic victory, however, was not the main topic of discussion online. The next few days of Twitter discourse were instead fueled by puritanical accusations of “Satanic” imagery from their performance of “Unholy” at the ceremony. Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene called it “evil” and “demonic“; the FCC received over a dozen complaints regarding the performance’s hellish imagery; even the actual Church of Satan felt obliged to weigh in. The rumblings of a “culture war” from far-right political pundits grew to a deafening cadence. Additional

Does the LGBTQ movement really want to embrace satanism?

15 Comments on The Entertainment Left Screaming “Satanic Panic” After Horrific Grammys

  1. The progressive movement is pure, unvarnished, straight up, Satanism. What has been obvious to me for decades is something I honestly believe that most people recognized, but were afraid to say out loud. Perhaps a lot of had to do with them holding out hope or not wanting to admit something so tragic as this about friends and family caught up in tt.

  2. The entertainment industry is all but a wholly owned subsidiary of the progressive movement. Hollywood in particular. Hollywood acts as the propaganda arm of the progressive movement. They may have miscalculated by thinking that it was time to pivot and take the mask off. Then again, perhaps they are right and out and proud Satanism is a winning strategy in today’s America. It most definitely is letting everyone know that the progressive movement thinks that it’s time to chose whose side you are on.

  3. Here’s what I though of Sam Superfaggot Smith’s “performance”:

    1. It was stupid, unoriginal, shock faux-entertainment explicitly designed to offend the kind of people all the shitbags in the “entertainment” industry hate, i.e. normal, decent, functional, productive people.

    2. The choreography was standard strip club schlock with the usual gyrating displays of various orifice locales.

    3. Smith is a fat, disgusting slob. FFS, hasn’t that lard-assed faggot piece of shit heard of Lean Cuisine? Or is sperm that high calorie?

    Calling it “Satanic” is accurate in the sense that at the core of all evil is utter stupidity.

  4. Carrying on with what TheMule was saying, Sam Smith is nothing more than the white, male version of one of the worthless Kardashian clan. Just a brainless, no talent, boring whore seeking attention from the equally brain dead social media alphabet mob.

  5. So Billboard is trying to call anyone who disapproves “puritanical” and says this particular “moral crisis” is from a bygone era?
    The Word of God will never be puritanical or bygone.
    Billboard and the entertainment business are tools of Satan and will always try to belittle believers and God and Jesus.

    They will eventually be part of a bygone era.

  6. Sam Smith takes Satan seriously, because he’s a warlock. A priest so to speak of the “church” or temple of Satanism. Smith participates in and supports every vile act of perversion imaginable – it’s crutial to his worship and service to Satan.
    Smith gets fame and fortune in return and without repentance, a Hellish eternity. A price he is willing to pay sense he must believe the lie he’ll rule in Hell.

    Too many people, including clueless Christians think Satan isn’t real or
    he’s imagined. He’s very real and proof is in God’s Word and further evidence is the chaos, destruction and massive death plaguing the world. Denying the existence of Satan and his obvious, in your face display of his corruptible influence on the culture should not be dismissed. Man has an enemy and that enemy is more than willing to make it clear.

    However, Christ took the power away from Satan, despite Satan’s continued influence. It now depends on who men choose to serve. Knowing God through Christ is the only way out of Satan’s clutches and keeping the world from having to endure evil Satanic disciples putting on a wicked, evil show in defiance to God.

  7. Balenciaga? Queering children? Really? These are normal things in our society? Yes? After school Satan club? The genuine lameness of the ‘progressive’ movement is contained within this story and the ‘progressive’ left’s push to ‘free us from the strictures of society’ at large.

    It’s all derivative. Nothing original at all. Even Satan is blandly, nauseatingly derivative. Horns and a tail, where’d that come from, who pulled that out of their twat? All reactionary, nothing at all new in the whole pile of maggots. Look at the entertainment industry, there hasn’t been a new idea out of that whole show in at least thirty years, remake, redo, rehash with queers as the leads… to no audience.

    The only way to have a culture war is if there’s a culture to war with. The ‘progressives’ have to come to us, they have nothing to offer of their own. Once the faggots took complete control of the entertainment industry creativity died, replaced with derivation of all kinds, just look at them, ooohhh how transgressive, a red suit and horns, waggling a big smelly ass in front of those slack jawed yokels, lip synching some drivel to a mindless beat… art, art, so magnificent!

    We are watching the progress of a disease, many otherwise normal(ish) people encourage and applaud the disease and its effects. Prosperity and general idleness coupled with laziness and ignorance combined with apathetic lack of purpose allows the disease entry, human desire to follow the leader provides the flesh on which it feeds and grows.

    Be an unappetizing morsel. Stay an unappetizing morsel. Reject the disease personally and bond to some degree with others who reject the disease. Of course the more unappetizing you are the harder Satan will pursue you.


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