The Esteemed Senator A$$hole From Arizona – IOTW Report

The Esteemed Senator A$$hole From Arizona



What did this McStain say this time?

John Nolte reporting:

“Anyone who is running for president and who gets to choose who the [debate] moderator is,” McCain said, using that ridiculous Solemn Voice of his. “That is the destruction of the free press, as we know it.”

First off, destroying the “press as we know it” is crucially important to our democracy. I’m all in favor of destroying the “press as we know it.” In fact, I’ve dedicated my career to it. The “press as we know it” is the most corrupt institution allowed to operate legally in America.

Moreover, Trump isn’t “choosing” the moderator any more than a trial attorney chooses the jury.  Asking that a biased and unacceptable juror or moderator be removed is not “choosing.”

Riddle me this, Senator McCain:

We are in the second or third cycle of Democrats refusing to debate on Fox News, and somehow our democracy still stands.

The Republican National Committee has, for good reason, booted NBC News from the debates, and somehow our democracy still stands.



This has nothing to do with Trump. That he happens to be in the story in order to illustrate the problems we have with a sitting senator is irrelevant.

McCain is an asshole.



34 Comments on The Esteemed Senator A$$hole From Arizona

  1. As a V/Nam vet I can assure all, J Effing Kerry and McStain are two peas in a pod. Two losers used the media to become some kind of superstars. They just chose ideologically different fawning audiences.
    Neither one is a “hero”.

  2. The press has no right to destroy you, and they have destroyed thousands of people. Since when is it incumbent upon anyone to give an interview to the press or be questioned by them for them to twist what you have said. They are liars, every one of them.

  3. “The “press as we know it” is the most corrupt institution allowed to operate legally in America.

    No, I think that would be the American Bar Association, but the “press” would definitely be near the top of any “most corrupt in America” list.

  4. John McCain is an affront to every Vietnam Vet who FOUGHT for his country.
    Do you really think the Khmer Rouge mistreated little Johnny. they probably cut his meat for him while the rest of us ate dirty water rice soup.

    Give me a break. This guy is a loser.

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