Watch Sidney Powell, who represents Gen. Michael Flynn, discuss corruption in the DOJ- Starring Weissman and Mueller.

Sidney Powell Exposes the “Collusion Dirt” with the “Mueller Report meets the Rule of Law”

Watch Sidney Powell, who represents Gen. Michael Flynn, discuss corruption in the DOJ- Starring Weissman and Mueller.
Sidney Powell Exposes the “Collusion Dirt” with the “Mueller Report meets the Rule of Law”
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Something must be done about Wray and the FBI. He needs to go and so does everyone else who has been part of the obama regime. No one who served under obama — “great folks in the rank and file” be damned — can remain if that area of the DoJ can ever hope to be trusted again.
It’s amazing how insubordinate these people are that feel they can just ignore presidential directives and refuse to cooperate with investigations.
Wray is particularly irritating given the fact that he was appointed by Trump and he demonstrates his gratitude by betraying him.
He remains hunkered down in the directors office spending the days fixing his hair.
It will be satisfying to watch as he’s led out of the building clutching a cardboard box with his belongings, or can we hope for an obstruction charge and see him in cuffs?
Abigal Adams, Washington DC is an incestuous revolving door of the worst of “peoplekind,” the likes of which the Founding Fathers warned us about. They jump from agency to agency and when the govt pension kicks in, they move on to a Think Tank or Lobbyist.
What they lack in humility, virtue and ethical standards, is replaced with greed, vindictiveness and self interest. Until and unless the power center is dismantled and relocated throughout the States, unfortunately nothing will change.
Recall Sonny Purdue’s attempt to move Dept of Agriculture. That went over like a lead balloon. Don’t know the status but dollars to donuts that plan has been waylaid by lawsuits and will drag on until Trump is out of office.
There is no such thing as the excuse, “The rank and file FBI agents are honorable, but the career Washingtonians are corrupt.”
I don’t think so. All government is corrupt. Where do you think they originated from? Yep, the rank and file.
I have zero trust in anyone employed by the FBI, anyone!
The organization is corrupt from top to bottom and there’s no difference between them and organized crime lords.
The same goes for the ATF, Treasury etc.
There’s a few good people there but the fact that they are too intimidated to speak out about wrong doing tells you how few of them there are.
Yea,The FBI & all other spook agencies
knew dam well Barry Soetero’s BC & selective
service card were cheap azz fakes…
I don’t think alot of people L&R fully understand
how evil & corrupt out Govt. & justice system are…
And you want them to dictate your health
care decisions ??? HaaaHAAAhaaaHAAAaa !!!!!
During the Obama crime syndicate years the swamp got rid of all the so-called good employees!
RADIOATIONMAN HAM/CB/AM/FM/SSB – The Right figured it out, but it won’t dawn on the Left until several individuals, outside of the swamp are innocently mowed down by the DOJ themselves.
I can’t say for certain, but I’m pretty sure Weissmann will be burning in hell.
Putting someone in solitary confinement just to make him agree to lie against someone else is domestic terrorism.
If obama and clinton aren’t nailed within a year, we will have lost.
@abigail adams – you nailed it. Wray is the FBI’s equivalent of Jeff Sessions. A spineless do-nothing.
My guideline to tell if a Trump appointee is doing a good job is if the Leftist MSM is bitching about her or him.