The execrable Snopes, “fact checkers” for the left, implies idiotic “no lackin” game is a myth – IOTW Report

The execrable Snopes, “fact checkers” for the left, implies idiotic “no lackin” game is a myth

“No lackin” is a game where waste of carbon, lo IQ idiots, usually minorities, point loaded guns at each other to see who is “lackin” a firearm.

Here’s the “mythic” game–>

Last year a dope was shot in the head during the game and Snopes declared the story “unproven” even when the people involved said this is what they were doing.

The game is so embarrassingly idiotic and low rent and savage, and runs so counter to the phrase “black lives matter,” that Snopes is doing everything they can to claim the game doesn’t exist.

Well, there’s been another shooting. A Syrian (non-citizen) shot and killed a black kid in his bedroom. He says they were playing the “game.”


Of course, he could be lying about the game. But the game DOES exist.

Snopes, you are the worst “fact checkers” on the planet.



9 Comments on The execrable Snopes, “fact checkers” for the left, implies idiotic “no lackin” game is a myth

  1. snopes is one of fakebook’s preferred ‘fact checkers.’
    I wouldn’t believe anything they say.
    “EXCLUSIVE: Facebook ‘fact checker’ who will arbitrate on ‘fake news’ is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes – and its staff includes an escort-porn star and ‘Vice Vixen dome'”…
    “He has since remarried, to a former escort and porn actress who is one of the site’s staff members.”

    snopes said it was a video.

  2. An utterly and irredeemably ignorant segment of society, a product of leftist agenda, fathering children they’ll never support let alone raise, and completely foreign to the concept, rewards and satisfaction of hard work. A by-product of the Democrat party’s pursuit of political domination.

  3. “Do we need gun safety courses for wantabe gang bangers now? Talk about a threat to themselves and others”

    Absolutely not!!!!!

    If these were white middle class kids the Libtards, including Snopes, would be screaming for the elimination of anything that goes bang. I find that an amazingly racist double standard.
    That video also proves my point that “Deep Concealment” will get your ass killed. It’s stupid.


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