The Expense Of Illegal Immigration – IOTW Report

The Expense Of Illegal Immigration

We’ve been told for years about all the jobs Americans won’t do and we know there are employers incentivized to break the law and hire illegals. They tell us how much more our food, meals and hotel rooms will cost if the flow of illegals is ever cut off.

What they don’t tell is the burden the rest of society has to shoulder for tolerating this underground economy. It not only distorts labor markets but cost billions in benefits, crime and unfair competition, what economist call “negative externalities.” More

6 Comments on The Expense Of Illegal Immigration

  1. The politician don’t seem to see that the cost of educating the kids and supporting the hospital districts is increasing the tax rates on top of increasing property values here in Houston. We’re on fixed income and careful with our living expenses in order to save up to pay the property taxes. No one on any level of government realize some people have to sell their homes. Don’t get me started on federal taxes.

  2. KATDOG= That is why I am glad I live
    in Galveston County.No services and alot
    of crime but I pay 2k a year,if I was in Harris County
    it would be around 5k…

  3. I had some concrete work done today. The head guy was a young Mexican (probably an anchor baby). As we waited for the cement truck, he complained that cement was in short supply because so much construction was being done. I said that things had really picked up since Trump was elected. He had to agree and then he asked if I liked Trump. I said of course. He said that Trump was not so good for Mexicans. I looked him in the eyes and said that was good because he was America’s president and that Mexico had their own. Then, I asked him if he liked the Mexican president. He just kind of shrugged.


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