Images from:
1) Old Guy (Eugenia) a wonderful cat that passed away ten years ago.
2) Old Guy (Violet) her ever playful self.
3) PHenry (Petey) Honey, I Trumped the dog. After a good brushing I couldn’t resist.
4) Redgrandma (Lovey) Lady Lovey Lovebug giving me the side eye so I’ll give her a bite of my cookie.
5) TennDon (Baby Barred Owl) is perplexed by the gathered paparazzi at Radnor Lake, Nashville, TN.
6) Russian Bot (Pearl) This is “Pearl”, our 10 week old husky-something mix. We just adopted her from the local humane society.
7) Bo Diddley (Tinlee) looking to go for a ride.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
8-20 Unusual Critters – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – What strange and unusual critter have you seen?
8-27 I’m So Proud That I’m Humble – All critters are humble, right? Wait until they do something dumb, THEN they are humble.
9-3 Labor Day – Show us your laborious critters. Or maybe critters watching YOU be laborious.
Many thanks for the wonderful photos you contribute to make this feature a success!
Nice collection.
Great way to kick off the week!
Thanks, Claudia!
Eye see what you did there…
…its like you can see the mischief brewing in there…
Thanks for the break, Lady C. Fur babies beat politics every time…
Lovely critters! Thanks everyone!
These make Sundays extra-special!
I love all of these photos! Nice Trump hairdo😁 And Pearl with the blue eye is lovely! Are both eyes blue? Is Tinlee in a police atv? Can’t believe a Golden would ever get in trouble. 😉
Great bunch today!
The eyes have it.
Do Petey and Pearl have two different eye colors? Years ago my mom had a Australian shepherd with a brown and a blue eye.
Joey was the most intelligent, well behaved dog I’ve ever known. Damn near human.
Both of Petey’s eyes are blue. He uses them to his advantage at places like the bank drive thru. Gets a treat from the girls every time.
Nice lot of critter eyes!
Thanks Claudia and contributors!
I Trumed the dog..lol
Pearl’s other eye is hazel, and we found out she’s Siberian Husky and American Pit Bull.
Great bunch indeed. I really do like Lady Lovebug…her face resembles my terrier/corgi a bit, especially with the quizzical expression. Haha.
These are the best. Who doesn’t love a cat named Eugenia?
Eye approve of this post.