The FAA says ‘fly better’ – IOTW Report

The FAA says ‘fly better’

On this episode of AvTalk, the FAA tells pilots to fly better, ATC staffing is bad enough to allow slot waivers for this summer, and the 25 hour cockpit voice recorder is finally in progress. Plus, an update on the Flair Airlines 737 repossessions and Emirates debuts a refreshed livery.

The FAA’s post-Safety Summit week

The FAA issued a memo on Wednesday basically reminding pilots to fly better. On the same day, the organization also issued proposed rules for summer 2023 allowing airlines to return 10% of their slots at airports in New York and Washington DC without penalty, city the likelihood of dramatically increased delays if airlines operate as many flights as currently planned. And late last week, the FAA finally moved to require 25 hour cockpit voice recorders. MORE. h/t SNS

12 Comments on The FAA says ‘fly better’

  1. …understand what this is. With COOF idiocity and equity idiocity, even Leviathan’ FAA has to admit they depopulated their skilled controller staff to the point they can’t even staff the Nation’s busiest controlled airspace any more.

    “Although the FAA continues to reduce the air traffic controller training backlog at many FAA air traffic facilities, staffing levels at the New York Terminal Radar Approach Control (N90) continue to be below targets.”

    …and they blandly say this…

    “due to post-pandemic effects on Air Traffic Controller (ATC) staffing at the New York Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facility (N90).”

    …because “post pandemic” sounds better than “Oops, we fired everybody we need for stupid political reasons”.

    …and this is scarcely confined to NYC. You may have noticed something of an uptick in ATCs telling planes to land on top of each other, sometimes literally. Listen to the voice of this apparently young diversity hire in Austin attempting to stack planes in the rain.

    …expect more and worse as we go along.

    Especially since the pilots are all “Suddenly” candidates, airlines are emphasizing diversity cockpits über alles, and the FAA contemplates allowing SINGLE PILOT commercial cockpits.

  2. (oops. First try had an actual link. Try again…)

    …understand what this is. With COOF idiocity and equity idiocity, even Leviathan’ FAA has to admit they depopulated their skilled controller staff to the point they can’t even staff the Nation’s busiest controlled airspace any more.

    “Although the FAA continues to reduce the air traffic controller training backlog at many FAA air traffic facilities, staffing levels at the New York Terminal Radar Approach Control (N90) continue to be below targets.”

    ht ps://

    …and they blandly say this…

    “due to post-pandemic effects on Air Traffic Controller (ATC) staffing at the New York Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facility (N90).”

    …because “post pandemic” sounds better than “Oops, we fired everybody we need for stupid political reasons”.

    …and this is scarcely confined to NYC. You may have noticed something of an uptick in ATCs telling planes to land on top of each other, sometimes literally. Listen to the voice of this apparently young diversity hire in Austin attempting to stack planes in the rain.

    …expect more and worse as we go along.

    Especially since the pilots are all “Suddenly” candidates, airlines are emphasizing diversity cockpits über alles, and the FAA contemplates allowing SINGLE PILOT commercial cockpits.

  3. SNS – the training academy for air traffic controllers and technicians who maintain the NAS (national airspace) in Oklahoma City was closed for well over a year because of the PanicDemic. With normal attrition (retirement, leaving the industry, etc), this created a large gap in the incoming pipeline. It won’t be remedied anytime soon. (I work for the FAA).

  4. Translation- this means we are woke and don’t know what we’re doing so you better take care of yourself.
    Another reason not to fly unless you have no other choice.


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