The Face of a Mouth-Breathing Idiot Senator – IOTW Report

The Face of a Mouth-Breathing Idiot Senator

Look at this dope. Read this idiotic statement on guncontrol-

“… these weaponized militarized weapons need to be off our streets,โ€ Warner said.

What in Spot’s poop is a “weaponized weapon”?

Seriously. This is the kind of idiocy these “elected officials on the left” say. Are their constituents not embarrassed? Are they not embarrassed?


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28 Comments on The Face of a Mouth-Breathing Idiot Senator

  1. I hope there are no brain surgeons out there with the same grasp on their subject matter.
    Or maybe there is, did Mark Warner ever have brain surgery?

  2. “off our streets”… another annoying focus group-tested phrase which hides the true goal.

    Don’t say you want them “off our streets” when you really mean “banned”.

  3. I have been fortunate enough to enjoy hunting in Texas for many decades and
    it’s painfully obvious this idiot has never been treed by a herd of javalina, or feral hogs for that matter. Bolt or lever action weapons don’t do you a lot of good at that point. God forbid that even an moron such as this should stumble into a rattlesnake den with the weapons he deems adequate.

  4. I know that everybody here knows, but I have to say it: The right to keep and bear arms is not a Constitutional right. It is a self-evident, God given right.

  5. It says it all that this stooge is co-chair on the “intelligence committee”. More amazing that he runs circles around the republican dimwit Burr.

  6. Lazlo is mounting a Picatinny rail system on my shoe so I can weaponize that bastard with a laser sight, and go kick that idiot squarely in the ass.
    My right leg has a ‘high capacity magazine’ (clip, for you millennials) that stores an unlimited amount of ferocious Ass Kicks that are waiting to come out.

  7. Both of Virginiaโ€™s senators are complete morons.
    Warner (dumb) and Kaine (dumber)

    Thank Northern VA and a few cities for them. The rest of the commonwealth are embarrassed by these two.

  8. Hereโ€™s how screwed up VA politics are. I was just on politics1 and scrolled down to the Congressional races.
    The 11th district (firmly democrat) has a challenger from the Whig Party.


  9. This is why the Americans keep underestimating the hate and duplicity of these people. He may “talk like a fool” but he has a definite, anti-American, anti-Freedom, anti-Liberty agenda which he, and a whole passel of other traitors (in and out of elected office), are pursuing.

    It is dangerous to write him off as a moron – he’s a moron who can kill – or at least send others to do his killing for him.

    The point of disarmament is subjection. Make no mistake. It has nothing to do with saving the “l’il chillens” or de-weaponizing the de-militarized de-weapons or any other bullshit. He’s not asking that the Armed Forces and the Police be disarmed, is he? Only the citizens – We the People – on whom all sovereignty rests. This is a blatant attempt to usurp the sovereignty of the People and construct a ruling elite answerable to no one.

    izlamo delenda est …


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