The Face of Crazy – IOTW Report

The Face of Crazy

Listen to this loon say that the shooting that is going on in the streets are racist white people killing blacks.

27 Comments on The Face of Crazy

  1. Truly stupid (or crazy) people are completely unable to comprehend that they are stupid (crazy) due to the state of being so stupid (crazy). This one really believes (based on nothing but her feelings and false media narratives) that racist white people are rampantly murdering poor black people by the thousands, yet is telling other people to do some “factual research”. The cognitive dissonance is mind-blowing with this nutcase.

  2. Since she is making the assertion, let her provide some factual examples that prove her assertions are true.

    I have a feeling that when the truth arrives there will be many on the left who commit suicide.

    Honestly, I feel compelled to pray for them.

  3. As if I didn’t have more than enough other reasons to vote for President Trump in 2024, now I have one more: to drive that Olympic class harridan to apoplexy. Or better yet, suicide.

  4. That goofy bitch is beyond help. The only help she needs now would be with assisted suicide. I would volunteer my services if I don’t have to travel far, and she would furnish the injectable drugs of choice!

  5. Sad, resentful, lonely and highly delusional aging elitist who thinks she knows the “truth”. Proof wisdom does not necessarily come with age. She runs around with her old bat crew shouting the sky falling like leftard Chicken Littles.

  6. You can hear the same shit in any bookstore or cofee shop in Portland or Seattle any Sunday. The fucking idiots think that just because they want something to be true the rest of us are obligated to accept it as stone bold natural fact. They think they and they alone get to be the self appointed sole arbiters of truth.

    Think I’m wrong? Challenge one of the low intellect motherfuckers and you will need an atomic stopwatch that registers in milliseconds to quantify how long it takes the piece of shit to call you a racist or homophobe or science denier.


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