The Face(book) of Racism – IOTW Report

The Face(book) of Racism

Gateway Pundit

We live in an upside-down world.

According to actor and comedian Terrence K. Williams, Facebook is now flagging accounts for buying and sharing pictures of his Pancake Mix, Cousin T’s. More

12 Comments on The Face(book) of Racism

  1. Ever since the passage of the 13th Amendment, where the Republicans made the Democrats give up all their slaves, the Dems have had it in for the black man.

    Facebook has no problem with black people rioting and looting, but wanting to engage in our capitalist system involving the voluntary exchange of goods and services, now they’ve gone too far.

  2. Welcome to the club Cousin T! We’re all “racists now” but hey, it’s a big tent!
    I’m a racist he’s a racist she’s a racist we’re all racists wouldn’t you like to be a racist too?

  3. The clownish and amateurish democrats-liberals ALWAYS look for any excuse under their slimy rocks to issue KKKJoe Biden’s racism, debasement, segregation, and discrimination against any black person who they don’t like which is actually all of them. In public, democrats and liberals put on their fakery and pandering mask disguises, then talk big racist shyyt (think Lyndon B. Johnson, Joe Biden, BiLewensky Clintons, et al) when they think no one’s listening or watching.


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