The Fake News Echo Chamber – IOTW Report

The Fake News Echo Chamber

Glen Greenwald takes a critical look at just one incident where CNN got the story embarrassingly wrong and how the rest of the media just went along with the fake news.  More

This would be hilarious if it rarely happened, but Greenwald goes on to state that even he can’t keep up with all the misreporting being done by major news outlets when it comes to the current president.

13 Comments on The Fake News Echo Chamber

  1. CNN: The Clownfart News Network: Where the “news” always smells “funny”!
    Ya gotta marvel at the chutzpah CNN has to call a show: “Reliable Sources”!
    “get the story behind the story, how the media really works, and how the news really gets made.”

    Whut they really need is a carnival barker yelling:
    “Reliable Sources: come see how the sausage is made and the fudge is packed!”

  2. Greenfield: the former Salon writer faggot living in Brazil with his “husband”/boyfriend who still tries to remain relevant by writing “critical” articles about American politics.

  3. Either these “news outlets” are punished until the change or driven out of business for all the bias / error prone reporting or we’ll end up with a large portion of the voters woefully misinformed.

  4. If I even cared a little, I’d be ticked off that they make token “corrections ” to their glaring lies by some half assed tweet (a medium that reaches a tiny percent of their tiny audience), but I don’t care, so they and their zombies can just keep up the circle jerk until they all catch fire!

  5. CNN has turned into a less credible version of the “World Weekly News.” I look forward to a CNN show hosted by Ed Anger and featuring Bat Boy as special correspondent. And yes, CNN will eventually get to the point where aliens are responsible for everything.

  6. This crap has been going on for decades. We are only aware of it now because President Trump has taken the label “fake news” and stapled it to their collective foreheads.

  7. I think we need to hunt down whoever this “Michael J. Erickson” is who sent the email that got this rodeo started and award him the Conservative Medal of Honor (Is there one? There should be.). I’d love to listen to an interview with that guy!

  8. God Bless President Trump. They problem is that lies travel faster than the truth. The European news are going with the lies. WTF! I hear it from
    them. They think President Trump should shut up and act Presidential. I tell them to phuck off.

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