The Fakery of Nature Documentaries – IOTW Report

The Fakery of Nature Documentaries

A guy makes a small film showing how animal documentaries are doctored and fake, and he endorses the practice.

The logical fallacy is that these are called “documentaries.”

He defends the fakery because he said otherwise no one would watch, and the bottom line is that this is “story telling.”

Then stop calling them documentaries.

Is it much of a leap to think that this guy would also endorse fakery and quackery when making a “documentary” about global warming?

After all, if the filmmakers (propagandists) didn’t manipulate what you were watching, how else would they get people to fall for their agenda?

16 Comments on The Fakery of Nature Documentaries

  1. Yes Virginia, a lot of it is staged, at best.
    I wouldn’t be surprised to see actual Photoshop or CGI. If not already, then coming soon. Why send expensive expeditions to remote locations when you can just have some kid CGI it all on his basement cubicle setup?

    I switch off whenever the Global Warming Hoax appears in the narration.
    So we watch about the first ten minutes of a lot of documentaries.

  2. I grew up watching “Wild Kingdom” and Jacques Cousteau specials. Even in those days it was obvious they were adding some material and tweaking on the storyline but it didn’t detract from their educational/entertainment value. Still, I agree that they shouldn’t be called “Documentaries”, but maybe “Nature Films”.

  3. The thing I’ve noticed over the last 10 or 15 years is that these documentaries have gotten far more bloody then they were before. They are explicit in the hunt and kill that takes place in the wild and the music and sound effects magnify what the viewer is watching. I completely understand that nature is not the Disney Channel but the time and attention given over now to the tooth and red in these shows almost seems to be inoculating the audience to violence and bloodshed. No, I don’t have a tinfoil hat on (and stop suggesting I get one dammit!) but I think if you look for what I’m talking about you’ll find it in almost every show on nature today.

  4. I always loved nature shows, but I don’t trust any of them now. The flathead, anti-science crowd has too much control these days, and there is far more fiction than fact coming out of the propaganda industrial complex.

    I used to love National Geographic and was thrilled when they came out with a cable channel. Now I avoid them like the plague, as well as Discovery Channel and Animal Planet, they’re all bullshit.

    I don’t think there is anywhere for REAL science and nature buffs to turn to anymore.

    Even science fiction has gotten ridiculously Leftist.

    Of course these people are getting far too stupid (they’re their own worst enemy), thanks to their own endeavors, that soon they’ll lose the ability to to make this propaganda anymore. After all, you have to have a functioning brain to write these pieces and operate most of the equipment…even a smart phone takes a neuron or two.

    Once they start eating each other, we can take our world back.

  5. I remember when they would gush over how Nature designed animals so… until the Intelligent Design folks asked if something is designed, then Who is the Designer?

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