The Fall of Icarus – IOTW Report

The Fall of Icarus

Patriot Retort: I think it’s beginning to dawn on the Left that resting their entire anti-gun movement on the shoulders of children is a mistake.

Now, truth be told, I could have told them that weeks ago.

Actually, I did.

But now the anti-gun Left are starting to express some doubts about putting all their eggs in these immature, ignorant baskets.

Michael Ian Black   @michaelianblack

It occurs to me these Parkland kids are now in a media glare they can not possibly be ready for – they might fuck up at some point, and when they do, I hope people are kind.

Golly. I wonder what moronic thing Michael Ian Black heard from the anti-gun march that has him nervous?


Parkland Student Delaney Tarr: “When They Give Us That Inch, That Bump Stock Ban, We Will Take A Mile” (VIDEO) 

Yeah, that might do it.  READ MORE


14 Comments on The Fall of Icarus

  1. I’m not so sure. With the likes of Nancy Pelosi at the helm this beta male tide pod eater sounds reasonable, as far as tide pod eating beta male libtards go.

  2. To quote a comment from another site:
    “His own side will kill him to produce a sainted martyr.
    His cousin, the crew cut sappho, will carry the torch and deliver the eulogy.
    The Red op plan likely has it timed in the next couple of weeks.”

    Think about this. Laugh/scoff as you will.
    This is all controlled and choreographed.
    Never forget that YOU have a say in this.
    What are you doing to get ready?

  3. Given the failures of the clintons, donna brazile, debbie wassermanshultz, tom Perez, Keith Ellison, Schumer and Pelosi, it may have been a good idea for the democrats to rely upon pod eating, inexperienced, slow minded high school mouth pieces.

    It’s a step up from their leadership.

  4. Marxists having 2nd thoughts
    about the fools in their new
    “Red Guard”? Seems so. Maybe
    they realized that they can’t
    get the violence they need out
    of children who think a cell phone
    is the only weapon they’ll ever need
    to defend themselves.

  5. The more they cry, seemingly rehearsed, the less I care.

    Everyone knows their end goal. This isn’t an organic movement because they never are.

    Teenage crisis actors who are are nothing but would be tyrants and useful idiots subsidized by their schools, Hollywood and the media.

    I hate this generation.

  6. Another “Children’s Crusade.”
    The ignorant fuks don’t remember how the first one turned out.

    “Don’t send a boy to do a man’s job” used to be common sense – now it’s offensive.

    They WANT civil strife. They WANT civil war. They believe they can win. They believe we’ll walk passively into the ovens. They may be right. Then again, they may be wrong.

    If they keep pushing, they’re gonna find out.

    izlamo delenda est …


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