The faux concern of Dan Rather – IOTW Report

The faux concern of Dan Rather

Patriot Retort: Last night, while appearing on Don Lemon’s unwatched show, has-been TV anchor Dan Rather feigned concern for the future of the Republican Party.

Yes, he’s so very concerned.

You see, according to Dan Rather, if the Republicans confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the GOP will go extinct just like the dinosaurs.

And the super worried Don Lemon and Carl Bernstein agreed.

This confirmation will destroy the Republican party.

And heaven knows Dan, Don and Carl do not want that to happen.

They only have the Republican Party’s interests at heart when they urge Senate GOP members not to vote yes.

Who’s buying that?

Rush Limbaugh always says the Left will tell you whom or what they fear.  more

15 Comments on The faux concern of Dan Rather

  1. I do think he cares about republicans. I saw a picture of Dan Rather and John Boehner necking in a booth at Man’s Country. One of them was crying……. Looked like Rahm under the table with barry….

  2. Rather is still around? I thought he fell from fame, like a shit from a tall cows ass, Ratherism I just made up, or heard somewhere. Imagine listening to Don, Dan, and Carl for more than two minutes? Gimmeafuckenbreakforfooksake!

  3. Dan Rather… a cow pie?
    No, he’s more like a fossilized dinosaur turd waxing nostalgically about when dinosaurs like him roamed the TV Networks! I can’t believe people actually fall for these preposterous shit shows… but then this should tell you everything you need to know about democRAT voters!

  4. Dan Rather ?
    Any integrity or credence ”
    He was PROVEN LIAR in 2004 !
    He now has credibility ?
    Just because CBS kept him at full salary
    for lying for them
    Does not exonerate the fact that he still a
    LIAR !!!!!

  5. rather has an interview show on the AXS channel. I only know this because he interviewed Meat Loaf in 2016 before the release of his last album. I have never watched any of his other interviews. I had to watch that one because, well, Meat Loaf. 🙂


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