The FBI tried to recruit a man to infiltrate groups meant to protect America – IOTW Report

The FBI tried to recruit a man to infiltrate groups meant to protect America

WATCH as we learn how occupied government agencies (like the Federal Bureau of INTIMIDATION) manipulate patriots into infiltrating the very groups meant to protect America. Former special forces operator Jeremy Brown breaks down what they’re doing…and what We The People can do about it. SHARE this critical intel.


5 Comments on The FBI tried to recruit a man to infiltrate groups meant to protect America

  1. There are federal workers who do zoom meetings discussing how they’re going to infiltrate patriotic groups. There are Fed workers caught at the Jan 6th who match their federal IDs and some of them were in the zoom meetings. Fox and Cnn, etc. all ignore it.

  2. Federal authorities go after right leaning groups because they are low hanging fruit; generally these groups are not organized (not to the degree of BLM/ANTIFA), they are made up of law abiding individuals who are not savvy to the judicial process (never been arrested and don’t have attorneys on retainer, they are more Christian so more willing to view authority as their friend and are more apt to ascribe to the theory ,”I didn’t do anything wrong so what do I have to worry about”.

    One massive way that our culture has shifted (you decide whether it’s a good thing or not) is that institutions that retained our good will and trust in the past (military, police, Federal LE agencies)have revealed themselves deleterious to the people. Their goals are not our goals, and they view our goals as not only dangerous but subversive. Bottom line, they can’t be trusted to protect us or to do their jobs in an honorable benevolent fashion.


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