The FDA Is Killing People – IOTW Report

The FDA Is Killing People

According to Darcy Olsen, author of “Right to Try“, if you have a terminal condition you can apply to the Food and Drug Administration to be allowed an unapproved drug through their “compassionate use” program.


Turns out that the treating physician will have to dedicate 2 weeks full-time to filling out the paper work for just one patient and the FDA has up to 30 days to reply to the application. The alternative is to wait for the 15 year average that it takes the FDA to approve a new drug.

24 states have a “Right to Try” law that overrides the FDA and gives the terminally ill access to drugs that are under going clinical trials. 13 other states are considering similar laws for their citizens.



Is Your state “Right to Try“? check Here

(Note: stupid California)

4 Comments on The FDA Is Killing People

  1. Sounds a lot like Obamacare to me.

    Tell every one it will be free or affordable, with the freedom to keep your doctor if you like your doctor, or find a better doctor, lots of attractive new options, and premiums dropping by an average of $2,500/year.

    Then reality sets in and you find out the premiums are close to $2500/month. You can’t keep your doctor. Might not even be able to find a new less skillful or incompetent one.

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