The Federal Office Of Pointless Paper Pushing – IOTW Report

The Federal Office Of Pointless Paper Pushing

The United States Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) was created in 1979 to shield federal employees from abuse by their superiors and ensure none who are not political appointees are ever subject to partisan reprisal.

Its three member panel is currently understaffed by two. This leaves solo member, attorney Mark Robbins, to toil in obscurity and without purpose. That’s because without a full panel, none of the cases written up by the one man board can be ruled upon.

It’s not like the Trump Administration forgot about the MSPB, there are three nominees who have been waiting since July for Senate confirmation (one of whom will replace Mr. Robbins).  Democrats in the Senate, however, won’t allow confirmed by unanimous consent and with congress ending in a few weeks, it will be next year before those confirmation will be taken up again.

Meanwhile, Robbins keeps reviewing cases and posting his findings (about one a week according the MSPB website), which is an exercise in futility, since the three new members will have to review all the cases themselves before ruling on. More

4 Comments on The Federal Office Of Pointless Paper Pushing

  1. A paper pushing govt agency? Who ever heard of such a thing?

    I’m happy to hear Fed employees have an agency to rely on to protect them from abuse from their superiors and changing administrations.

    Now who protects us taxpayers, who pay their salaries, from them?

  2. I read this and all I could think was boooooo-hooo! Far from eliciting sympathy for this mook, all I thought was “You’re probably next ya pointless drone!” Yet another reason to not like the government.

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