The Feds Come For Fox News – IOTW Report

The Feds Come For Fox News

When is a lawsuit really a shakedown coordinated by the Biden regime?
The corporate media has been buzzing the last few months about a defamation lawsuit filed against Fox News by an electronic voting machine company. In fact, the left-wing corporate press
is positively salivating at the monetary damages that might be inflicted on Fox News if the case is lost.

Apparently, those purple-haired kids don’t understand that $1.6 billion is hardly a fine for Rupert Murdoch — he probably pays that much semi-annually for those routine divorces he’s always getting.Why would the American corporate media cheer on a lawsuit that has broken all the rules for discovery, and threatens the First Amendment protections of journalists?

And since when do vendors operating as third-party proxies for state governments in national elections get to sue the Fourth Estate for defamation?

That’s just the start of the trouble. Consider the plaintiff. How can you defame a company that Americans didn’t know existed until the 2020 election — in an industry that Democrats like Kamala Harris regularly defamed as corrupt in HBO specials like “Kill Chain” among others?

That’s a tough question — legally speaking. Of course, it’s an easy question in terms of politics. What can you tell Democrats that they won’t believe? For example: that boys are girls and girls are boys? There’s no basic fact of biology that Democrats won’t deny — if necessary. There’s no scientific law they won’t denounce in a pinch — gravity! chemistry! the third law of thermodynamics! — to remain in the good graces of their shameless mob.After all, the memory of the average Democrat voter is about the same as a fruit fly dipped in Fentanyl.

That’s why the corporate media can publicize the private text messages of Fox journalists, and expect that dangerous precedent to be viewed as normal too.

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ht/ CS

6 Comments on The Feds Come For Fox News

  1. I remember reading a comment here at least 6 years ago about creeps. Something about ‘If your over 50, and still dwell over your dick and chicks, you are probably a creep.’

  2. Gonna REK U TOO
    F FED
    F FOX


    You can agree or disagree with the motivations for the following actions but you cannot disagree that the actions happened:

    Remember when a FOX News reporter got in a fight on a subway a few short months ago? What did the Billionair Owner do for His Employee? The FOX News employees medical insurance coverage was the principle payer however the FOX News Broadcast Billionair knew there was a buck to be made to cover any ‘extra’s’ that would probably be the Owner/Employer/Employees share of the costs to cover. So what did the Billionair Owner do? He paid for his other Employee TV Hosts to run graphic visual segments of the employees bruised and battered face to an International Audience while running text and internet link OCR codes for Go Fund Me’s and other crypto-grifting Payment Processing Systems billable with Direct Debits to Annually Monthly recurring Debits and Fees and ancillary expenses that can be telephonically transferred back and forth without any written authorizations other than a “By clicking this link you agree to all terms and conditions” initial entry.

    What else has the FOX Billionair brought us? Remember that late 60’s or 70’s year old creep Bill O’Reilly back in the day that at 7PM at Night would run semi-porn loops of young hot chicks doing all kinds of acts. Remember? Back in the height of the Girls Gone Wild New York Hey Days. Yea, that FOX News.

    What about that late 60’s or 70’s FOX Billionairs other Employee Geraldo Rivera. Do we really need to re-hash all his Puerto Rican Boat Travels and Adventures from the Middle East to the Upper West Side.

    Not last or least do not forget that FOX Billionair is responsible for the Drama Queen called Sean Hannity whom has been telling the same pitched roof ladder battle back injury tale since before 1999 which was in the last century.

    Add in all those shoe fetishing plastic surguried botoxxed fraudettes into the mix and just whom exactly does the FOX News Billionair think is going to defend his Org? Karl Rove? Paul Ryan? Saudi Princes? Liz Cheney? The Money Grubbing War Mongers is about all he’s got. Even the Ukrainian grifters are severely underperforming.

    Must really suck to be one of those old creeps.


    After the above was written
    Switched over to CNN
    You cannot make this timing up
    Don Lemon was interviewing that Crypto-Grifting Money Grubbing turd that scammed away with that Fyre Festival Concert about 4 or 5 or 6 years ago. No Shit. Check the transcripted record too. Gleaned this.

    He got hit with a $26 Million Judgement and in many years of hard work and 17 trips to the money order counter and Courthouse he has managed to repay about / approx 30 thousand dollars.

    He has a new venture. Fyre Festival II.
    Heya Crypto-Grift Turds. Don’t miss the Money Train this Time around. You too can make Money in Good Times and Bad Times. Just be a money-grubbing banksturd hearted thief.

  4. Like I’m supposed to give a flying fuck. This is the same FOX News that referred to the usurper as President Elect Joe Biden from November 4, 2020 through January 6th of 2021. I own them nothing.

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