The Field Lightens as Chris Christie Drops Out – IOTW Report

The Field Lightens as Chris Christie Drops Out

Chris Christie Caught on Hot Mic TRASHING DeSantis, Nikki Haley Ahead of Dropout Announcement: “She’s Gonna Get Smoked!” 

34 Comments on The Field Lightens as Chris Christie Drops Out

  1. He’s been a lazy fat fxck his entire life with low motivation and no self discipline. He runs his mouth the same way. I really enjoy the intimidation videos of him going after some cast member at a ball park. OOOOh, your a bad ass. Here’s what I don’t understand, and maybe I should. The RNC appointed piggy boy as Trumps debate coach for Biden. Not that that would have had any impact. I’m thinking if I’m Trump I got this guy nailed. I dunno. Maybe he did. Strange times.

  2. God you are So stupid, the Supreme Court will never ever give impunity to your Dumpster. For Our Great American President will be the first one to send your Former one into the never neverland.

  3. Brad, what has anonymous said that hasn’t been said by the lunatic left since DJT came down the escalator? Zero critical thought, all group think. It’s all so tiresome, I don’t understand why you feed them. I mean, this goof is still hung up on ORANGEMANBAD and tRump, lol. He probably screams at the sky every night too.

  4. ecp

    They’re juvenile, they’re stupid, they’re insultingly liberal and when they start posting on any thread, everyone leaves. I shut them down last night by my self. Run them out of here with a shit load of consecutive fuck offs. YOU may not understand why I feed them, but don’t understand why you people are so passive. If you don’t think it’s a problem, just look at the country and who’s in charge of it. I might be hanging out at the wrong place.

  5. Brad, so you ran them clear out of here and that’s why they aren’t here tonight, eh? Don’t lump me in with geriatrics here, I’m not that old yet. The whole damn republican party is passive. Actual crimes by this administration and nothing happens, while leftists invent crimes and prosecute with hearing after hearing all based on lies without any evidence. That creates these stupid trolls that believe in everything that isn’t true and it’s a waste of time telling them otherwise because Rachel Maddow didn’t say it.

  6. “Brad, so you ran them clear out of here and that’s why they aren’t here tonight, eh?”

    Eh, because they brought reinforcements. So I got crimes and Rachel Maddow. OK, lets all fold up our tents and go home. And hope some invaders haven’t taken it over.I didn’t lump you in with anyone, you replied to me.
    Forget about it. I’ll give the Trolls free rein too. We are fucked.

  7. Are you Fing kidding me? Maybe you’re not paying attention to them. I suggest you watch for a couple days and then claim that. This thread would be basically empty after their comments except for you and me. I don’t see how you can claim they don’t chase people away. Ask FUR.

  8. “Lightens? Any estimates on how much?” -manbearpig

    Would you like the answer in kilograms, pounds or slugs? As a person thoroughly trained in both metric and British units, I prefer ‘slugs,’ which fits him perfectly.

    1 slug = 32.2 lbs. mass = 322 Krispy Kreme donuts

    = 1/15 of a Christie

    In other words, 1 Christie = 15 slugs (approx.)

    (You do the conversion math.)

  9. Because the WH staff told Christie’s campaign people that they could not afford making the WH doors bigger to accommodate his bulk, and even if they had the money, it would ruin the aesthetics of the WH architecture. The last time they did that was for President Taft, and it cost a huge amount of money.

    They also mentioned that they would have to make the Oval Office a bigger round office, widen the WH swimming pool, and replace all the WH limousines with big trucks.

    No can do. Not possible. Give it up, they said.


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