The Fire Department is Here Using the Jaws of Life To Ungrip My Ass From My Chair – IOTW Report

The Fire Department is Here Using the Jaws of Life To Ungrip My Ass From My Chair

After 100 feet, what difference, at this point, does it make?

I’m still dizzy from watching this.

9 Comments on The Fire Department is Here Using the Jaws of Life To Ungrip My Ass From My Chair

  1. I have climbed several radio towers
    up to 300′ but…. I had a $1000 Saia
    professional full body harness clipped off
    at all times with 2 nylon rope safty lanyards.
    Even if I let go I would only fall 2′.I was still
    nervous! 300′ on a steel tower looks like 300 miles
    down to earth.It ain’t for everyone…

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