The First Illegal Border-Crossing Terrorist Is On Trial, But Don’t Expect The Media To Cover It – IOTW Report

The First Illegal Border-Crossing Terrorist Is On Trial, But Don’t Expect The Media To Cover It

Trump, after all the media ridicule, was correct in saying that potential terrorists have illegally crossed the United States’ southern border. Abdulahi Hasan Sharif of Somalia did. And it could happen again.

The Federalist:

Many who have professionally worried, as did former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, that violent jihadists might illegally cross the United States’ southern border are often sanctimoniously challenged with this: “Name a single U.S. border-crossing immigrant asylum-seeker who ever committed a terrorist attack.”

Introducing Abdulahi Hasan Sharif of Somalia.

The 32-year-old Sharif is now on public trial in Canada, facing 11 counts of attempted murder, aggravated assault, and dangerous driving. While he occupies a consequential homeland security pedestal of first border-crosser to conduct a jihadi attack in North America, his backstory remains largely unexcavated for learnable lessons to U.S. homeland security. That may or may not change in the coming weeks of a trial.

In 2011, Sharif had himself smuggled from Somalia through Brazil and Central America. Then he entered the United States over the Mexico-California border and claimed asylum. Sharif went on to Canada, where he allegedly conducted a double vehicle-ramming and stabbing rampage in 2017 in Edmonton, Alberta, that severely injured a police officer and four other people. He was carrying an Islamic State flag in one of the ramming vehicles.

Those who paid attention to this case were too few and far between ever to mention Sharif a year ago when President Trump provoked a denialist media backlash by claiming the border was vulnerable to violent jihadists migrating from distant Muslim-majority countries. read more

5 Comments on The First Illegal Border-Crossing Terrorist Is On Trial, But Don’t Expect The Media To Cover It

  1. Turdo calls the irregular boarder crossers!

    Next California will call drunk driving illegals murderers, “Non-sober Undeclared Visiting 4th term abortion providers!

    And yes, the media did not cover it. They did cover the Van attacker and a separate gun attacker but the defined them as mentally ill.

  2. sorry to hear about it but there is no question that the evil left has taught the illegals how to “game the system” no matter what country they come from or how questionable their claims are.

    Even with all that Trump has done to clean up the immigration problems just one look at the government websites that track these statistics you can see the back log for “asylum” cases in the USA has stretched beyond the breaking point and some wait times now are estimated at 100+ years!!!

    It is ridiculous that it was allowed to get this bad from past administrations…. and that includes both flavors of the UniParty but now with Trump ready to get his second term and all the measures he hast taken in his first it looks like he will get the rampant illegal border crossers under control and keep them ALL in Mexico until they can prove their cases. Otherwise its back to where you came from on your own friggin dime amigo!!!

  3. “In 2011, Sharif had himself smuggled from Somalia through Brazil and Central America”

    This, and many similar situations, sounds expensive. So who pays for it and how do they keep out of sight while doing it?

  4. Like the 3 giant luxury touring buses
    that rolled up in Austin.TX the other
    day loaded with LO IQ savages from Sub-Sahara.
    Who organizes this? and where does the $$$ come from?
    SoreAss ??


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