The First Step To Fighting Terrorism – IOTW Report

The First Step To Fighting Terrorism


When it comes to Islamic inspired violence, Kurt Schlichter has but one request of national leaders, stop lying to us about the cause. It seems every single time, our elected officials choose the path of deflection and proclaim those that commit acts of murder and mayhem aren’t members of Mohammad’s religion, when the killers themselves expressly state they do it all in Allah’s name.

Just stop already with the B.S., it insults our intelligence and demonstrates to the evil the craven nature of our chosen leaders. But Schlichter says it better than I can.




9 Comments on The First Step To Fighting Terrorism

  1. Our ‘leaders’ are known liars and they prove themselves to be liars nearly every time they open their mouths. There can be no doubt as to why the voters have such disdain for them.

  2. Is Step One ‘kill all of the muslim-collaborator politicians, their owners, and the open-border faggots,’ or is Step One ‘kill every last muslim?’

    I couldn’t tell from the article.

  3. There is no terrorism. There is only war. You think Johnny Jihad believes he is a “terrorist” or a soldier in a war? We should never have acceded otherwise.

    Declare war, make every American pay a visible, palpable price. Build a wall, throw every Musloid ‘refugee’ on a barge to Germany so they can rape and pillage Adolph’s retarded descendants into extinction, then burn it down with the unibrows in it.

    Burn Mekah and Medina. Intern the reformable, communist-seditionists, deport the recalcitrant to ground zero so they can suck sand nazi dick and die in the heat of 15 million degrees.

    Mahjong Fat will shit himself dead, and no longer be a problem.

  4. One forgotten aspect: Aim and Shoot as often as necessary or until the magazine is empty, whichever occurs first. Eject the used magazine, inset new full magazine, return to steps 2 and 3. Repeat as often as required or until ammo is gone. Pull out another pistol and have at it.

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