“The First Time Half a Congressman Is Shoved Up the Other Half of the Same Congressman” – IOTW Report

“The First Time Half a Congressman Is Shoved Up the Other Half of the Same Congressman”

34 Comments on “The First Time Half a Congressman Is Shoved Up the Other Half of the Same Congressman”

  1. I can’t recall the woman to her left or who she represents, but she’s the typical rabble rousing, whitey hating, angry black woman, who every time she was called on aptly spewed the exact narrative Candace rails against…. (black people have been held back by white people, white nationalists are the main problem in the US today and growing… the usual trope).

    I notice even she didn’t dare smirk or roll her eyes while Candace took control of the situation.

  2. She qualifies for a rewrite of a Louis L’Amour Quote:
    There is nothing so powerful as a woman that ain’t afraid and just keeps comin’.
    She ate those pipsqueaks like they were loose fries in the bag.
    Also, she’s hotter than a two dollar pistol.

  3. LAZLO

    When i was a kid the saying was, “Hotter than a 2 bit pistol!”! Of course a carton of cigs was only $0.75 and Gas in soCal (gas war- Jimma killed this 40 years ago) was $0.119 a gl.

    Old is right!

  4. Let’s not forget that piece of shit Nadler. So shaken by this uppity black woman, he resented it when he imagined her calling Lieu stupid. And, as we all now, that’s just not fair reminding these idiots of their brain deficits. So don’t do it. It’s not right.

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