“The Fix” – IOTW Report

“The Fix”

Earlier today President Trump tweeted that he personally directed “the fix” to the FISA-702 unmasking process:

He did exactly that.

NSA Director Admiral Rogers took specific action to stop FISA-702(17) “About Queries” and posted the NSA notification in April 2017.  SEE HERE

The FISA-702(17) “About Query” process was exactly what was used to collect information about the campaign of President Trump.

[…] Under Section 702, NSA collects internet communications in two ways: “downstream” (previously referred to as PRISM) and “upstream.”

Under downstream collection, NSA acquires communications “to or from” a Section 702 selector (such as an email address). Under upstream collection, NSA acquires communications “to, from, or about” a Section 702 selector.

An example of an “about” email communication is one that includes the targeted email address in the text or body of the email, even though the email is between two persons who are not themselves targets.  read more here

3 Comments on “The Fix”

  1. How about we end the super secret FISA court altogether? It was already un-American and has proven that it cannot be trusted with the power it was given.

    End DHS as well. End the NSA. These things passed to attack terrorism will always be turned on the citizenry.

    With what he’s seen and experienced, Trump needs to turn into Samson. The media already thinks he has the jaw of an ass so strike down these Philistines.

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