The Flaws In Red Flag Laws – IOTW Report

The Flaws In Red Flag Laws

Dana Loesch provides a meaningful rebuttal to those who would pass legislation to take away a law abiding citizen’s firearms. Loesch asks how this new set of laws improves on a system that has already failed us multiple times, why does it take two weeks before you can even go to court to try to get your property back and are the police ready and able to take responsibility for all of these firearms? 

These questions are just for starters. Who pays the court cost of fighting to get one’s weapons back? What’s to stop a gun-grabbing administration from targeting those out of political favor? What’s the threshold for having one’s property taken away and how does one get that property back again? More



19 Comments on The Flaws In Red Flag Laws

  1. These “Red Flag” laws would enable the same twatwaffles that flag your post on social media because you said something they don’t agree with to make claims to authorities that you are a danger to others!

  2. Here in Arizona, ARIZONA FOR GAWDS SAKE, I read an article that Gov Doug Ducey was considering Red Flag Laws….I expressed my concern to him over possible (guaranteed) abuse.

  3. I don’t think crazy people should have guns. I also don’t have much faith in the current status of the mental health field, given that they accept and rationalize ‘tranzgenderism.’
    If such laws are passed, perhaps gradually at first, it will be worked into the general mindset that there is no need to own a gun, and that anyone who would want to own a gun is crazy, and therefore should not be allowed to own a gun. That is how they work, and how it could begin. Give them a law and they will pervert it.

  4. Bozo Bill Mitchell is doing his best RINO imitation (“anti-RFL is just fear mongering”) and even Thomas Wictor* is on the Crazy Train with his “well, police visited me after Alysa Milano reported me and they didn’t take my weapons, so no one has anything to fear” garbage.

    Anecdotal evidence work both ways: tell it to the MD and FL guys who got shot when police arrived to “just talk”/confiscate.

    * [I would have given him the benefit of the doubt, and thought he might be doing a Scott Adams “devil’s advocate”/reverse psychology approach…but his posts are too consistent one-way only]

  5. Okay, I’m not caught up or current with all the threads or watched the link on this one, but must throw this up here while this one is still fresh. Did no one: read, watch or see the reply on this one…
    PJW: America’s Mass Shooting Nightmare
    August 7, 2019 MJA 10
    Followed by the Left’s exploitation of them.

    Seaoh has my attention… Just over thirty minutes but worth the watch.
    A new dimension past the red flag laws…

    seaoh AUGUST 7, 2019 AT 4:23 AM
    friggin google is the biblical beast they are the most evil manipulative corporation in the world
    interesting theory on gun confiscation

    The Gun Confiscation You Didn’t See Coming

  6. We already have laws. We have emergency procedures, e.g. Baker Act, immediately to grab and hold people who appear to be a danger to themselves or others. We have ex parte domestic violence laws to grab the accused’s guns pending a full hearing. We have other criminal and mental health laws that, e.g. were ignored in connection with Parkland shooter and other shooting events. And we also have FBI background checks that were screwed up like what, three times? during the Obama administration.

    What we need is a law prohibiting “gun-free zones” except in secure buildings where every entrance is fully guarded and everyone is searched coming in. Because all of these mass shooting atrocities have taken place in inadequately-secured (or un-securable) “gun-free” zones.

  7. Red Flag Laws are unconstitutional so they will probably pass…with them the Freedom of speech and assembly dies. Know this…determination of mental illness is now Subjective and therefore open to abuse. Technology will be developed to further explore the mind but the software will be written with bias. The Left will define mental illness and, along with genetic tests,will conjure Death to roam among us , defined and controlled by Sociopathic Democrats . There will come a time soon enough where noble humans will have to fight the Zombies of the Left to the very end..every nightmare now on film and in fiction will become reality..

  8. P.S. The psychs don’t want mental health to be an issue because they understand that there is absolutely no way to determine in advance who is suicidally dangerous, and there never will be because the “base rate” is so extremely low (hundreds of thousands of people who are depressed or psychotic who seek therapies versus a handful of mass shooters.) The “net” would have to be case unacceptably high, and people won’t go to psychs for stuff if that means they lose their rights.

  9. We need red flag laws concerning feminism, Democrat party, perversion, leftist professors, journalists, psychiatry, psychology, social workers, anti-fascists,
    race baiters, holly-weird actors, illegal aliens, etc!

  10. “The Left will define mental illness and, along with genetic tests,will conjure Death to roam among us , defined and controlled by Sociopathic Democrats .” –says Me again.
    “Left” is a engineered descriptive cover-up of COMMUNISIM. The Communist agenda of decades ago is continuing to be carried out. It has always been anti-Constitution which means the “Left” are actually domestic enemies. These subversives need to be rounded up and incarcerated in “concentration camps.” The political war within the USA is a reality. That is why ownership of guns is so needed by Americans to survive the Commie Coup. Mass shooting scenarios make people want guns for self defense against criminals, not to give them up.

    The Republicans Are Coming to Take Your Guns
    Chris Menahan
    Aug. 06, 2019
    “Gun confiscation is picking up steam among congressional Republicans in the wake of President Donald Trump’s call for “red flag” gun control laws which allow unelected government bureaucrats to seize people’s guns after arbitrarily deeming them a “threat” to themselves or others.”

    “Americans came out of the woodwork in droves to vote for Donald Trump on a platform of building a wall, deporting illegal immigrants, ending stupid wars, reforming trade deals, being tough on crime and protecting gun rights.

    We instead got record illegal immigration, significantly less deportations than Obama, massive tax cuts for Big Tech and Corporate America, the continuation of nearly all our previous wars and threats of new wars with Iran and Venezuela, Koch-Kushner criminal justice reform, a unilateral bump stock ban and now “red flag” gun seizure laws which blatantly violate the First, Second and Fifth Amendments. ”

    Helpful: David Frum shows why red flag laws are ‘a huge mistake’ by asking why these photos of people carrying guns aren’t ‘red flags’
    August 07, 2019 News
    There’s plenty of debate about what can be done to help stop mass shootings before they ever start, and David Frum seems to think that “red flag” laws could help, and he provided some examples of what might get a flag of that color. Here’s one:

  11. Just left this page 2 minutes ago and now saw a friend’s Facebook post (He got it from a law enforcement friend). I was considering Red Flag laws, with rigorous proof required, but I agree that any law would be an opportunity for abuse. He changed my mind. Here is his rather detailed defense of opposing such laws, and response to those who would implement further gun control:

    To those asking what I would do about firearms. I appreciate you, will always read your comments, I will respect those comments you if you can retain comments based upon facts.

    1. It is a violence problem, not a gun problem. If someone quotes you numbers on mass shooters, tear their figures and sources apart. Don’t be a lemming.
    2. EVERY life matters but society makes trade offs in freedoms.
    3. Do you realize, that all this fuss is about the loss of an average of less than 100 lives a year? If you research Mother Jones study of “Mass Shootings” from 1982 to 2019, there were 1,358 homicides in a 36.5 year period which comes out to 37 homicide victims a year average by “mass shooters”. Understand that Mother Jones dips down below the normal definition of “4 killed per incident” and includes “3 killed”. I know Mother Jones missed some so for easy math I am going with 100 per year. That is less than one percent of homicide victims a year.
    4. To save 100 lives a year, people demand the surrender of “assault weapons”. You have to fairly compensate someone for the confiscation of their legal property. The National Sports Shooting Foundation estimates there are 20 million AW’s. Each weapon, it’s ammo and accessories would average fair market value $1,500.00 so where are you going to get $30 billion dollars for 100 lives? The weapons, accessories and ammo the Vegas shooter had were worth about $50,000 that he had invested. Have you researched the lack of compliance in New Zealand and New York with their confiscation AW efforts? How will you compensate manufacturers of AW’s and associated industries for lost earnings? Why AW’s, if you look at Wikipedia’s top 25 mass shootings over 20 also used handguns.
    5. If the 100 lives are worth the effort and cost, then limit all vehicles to 35 MPH, essentially a no cost item (just a programming change) and save most of the 10,000 a year killed in vehicular collisions due to speed.
    6. Eliminate alcohol and save another 10,000 lives alone in DUI crashes and that does not include medical conditions from alcoholism.
    7. Did you know that in the last ten years there have been over 225 million recorded firearms transactions per FBI NCIC check stats from people passing background checks. Some are resales but some are multiple firearms on one background check. If you are intellectually honest you would ponder why with such a huge influx, the firearms and suicide rates remained constant for percentage of population per CDC stats.
    8. For 100 people a year, Red Flag laws are being touted. Did you know VA stats say over one million vets are diagnosed with PTSD. Are you going to marginalize over one million veterans? With very few exceptions, people discussing Red Flag laws are not addressing due process of the accused (remember innocent until proven guilty), redress by people falsely accused or criteria. If you are going to start taking weapons away, have you determined funding for law enforcement, secured storage and court costs?
    9. For 100 victims people are trying to get manufacturers to be sued for a legal product. Better yet why not a tax of $1 for each box of ammo and $10 for each weapon. In fairness there would need be a dollar tax per six pack of beer/bottle of wine and ten dollars for each bottle of hard liquor per the same logic.
    10. In my state there is a ten day waiting period or “cooling off period” to buy a firearm so that the purchase is made under reasoned, rationale, mature and calm expectations, why not do the same on any press coverage of a mass shooter l what is published is factual, thorough, accurate and with excessive bias removed and depriving losers from the fame they seek and limiting copycats?
    11. Have you heard everyone yelling about background checks yet ignore the fact the last three shooters purchased them after passing background checks? Are you aware most mass shooters lawfully obtained their weapons after passing background checks?
    12. Evil is always around and will always be. Before engaging in further comments, especially if you are not well versed in it from a professional standpoint, get “Columbine” by Dave Cullen to get an understanding of how when people devote two years of their lives to a massacre will probably be able to pull it off.
    13. Don’t just focus on the 100 murdered in mass shootings, they are the aberration. Focus on better sentencing, judges and “use a gun, go to prison” type laws everywhere. Think of what that might do for the 300+ a year homicides in Baltimore or 600+ a year in Chicago. Research it and be intellectually honest why these cities and others like them with all of the restrictions people are pushing for mass shooters are not working on regular shooters.

  12. A while back the L.A.P.D. “confiscated ” a man’s extensive and valuable firearms collection, under felonious pretense. No less than 4 court cases were ruled in his favor. L.A.P.D. repeatedly stone-walled him and refused to return the man’s property. Then, after a state judicial court-order mandated the L.A.P.D. comply with the earlier court decisions, they destroyed the entire lot, over 2000 guns worth an estimated $1.3 million, out of spite. I do not trust my government.

  13. What’s new is old…Want to control enemies?
    Follow the blueprint. Get the guns first using
    this tried and true method:
    In the Soviet Union any protestor who disagreed
    with Soviet policies was considered “insane” and
    millions were sent off to “hospitals” to get their
    brains fried by massive drug doses.
    They will get to that once they use it to get the guns.

  14. These laws are such BS. Under the red flag laws the Dayton shooter had major issues in High School 6 years before the Shooting Who is to say he did try to turn his life around. Why should high school issues be held against somebody under these laws. My neighbors have a dog that barks constantly at every little noise and for no reason. Lets say i call animal control a half dozen times and the next time they are called out to the house they are taking the dog. So They call the cops and tell the cops I threatened to shoot their dog and they are in fear for their dog and own lives. My guns get yanked even though no such threat was made. Then you do get them back and a day or two later they get taken again and the cycle repeats itself over and over. Who pays my legal bills? who is harassing who????these laws are a back door means of gun confiscation that is all they are.


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