The Florida Man Arrested For His “Derogatory” Window Sticker Might Sue The Sheriff’s Office – IOTW Report

The Florida Man Arrested For His “Derogatory” Window Sticker Might Sue The Sheriff’s Office


A Florida man arrested this week for refusing to remove a sticker on his pickup truck proclaiming that he eats ass will not be prosecuted, officials said Thursday.

Now the man is threatening to sue the sheriff’s office for violating his First Amendment rights.

Dillon Shane Webb, 23, was stopped Sunday on a highway in Lake City, west of Jacksonville, by a Columbia County sheriff’s deputy who saw a sticker on his rear window that read, “I EAT ASS.”

Dashcam footage shows the deputy telling Webb that the reason he was pulled over was “the derogatory sticker” on the back of his truck.

“How is that derogatory?” Webb asks.

“How is it not derogatory?” the deputy responds. “Some 10-year-old little kid sitting in the passenger seat of his momma’s vehicle looks over and sees ‘I EAT ASS’ and asks his mom what it means; how is she going to explain that?”

“That’s the parent’s job, not my job,” Webb responded.

When the deputy told Webb to remove one of the letters from the words “ASS” to read “AS,” Webb refused, citing his constitutional right to free speech.


His mom must be proud.


40 Comments on The Florida Man Arrested For His “Derogatory” Window Sticker Might Sue The Sheriff’s Office

  1. I remember in the early 70’s they tried to market horse meat. Donkey/Mule would probably be similar. Cops making law on personal opinion/beliefs don’t belong on the force. I support law enforcement but some of these guys are in the wrong line of work.

  2. The officer should have suggested that he change it to, “I consume the posterior end of the alimentary canal”.
    Still means the same thing.

  3. The farthest I would ever go to get a sick laugh was one that read, I SPEED UP TO RUN OVER SMALL FURRY ANIMALS… Thump-Thump!

    I heard of two others I would have gotten,

    btw I love small furry animals, always have. Except mice and rats. And bats.

  4. The guy is disgusting but if this gets pulled over, why don’t I see fewer of the women driving around with “If you’re going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair” stickers?

  5. I saw a bumper sticker that made me laugh. It said “I’m not in heat, so get off my ass.” But I was running a home daycare at the time, so I figured putting one on my car was maybe a bad idea.

  6. @Different Tim May 12, 2019 at 7:44 am

    “I support law enforcement but some of these guys are in the wrong line of work.”

    I support Adolph’s Final Solution.
    But, I don’t want people to think I’m a Nazi.

  7. Back in the day, growing up in the South, one would take an ass whoopin’ for speaking the vulgarity many of us use here much less posting it for all to see, in the presence of some other guy’s Mother or Sister!
    Vulgarity (yes I too, am guilty) has become far too common.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. Our local bbq joint sells tshirts saying “you can smell our butts all over town.”
    I love to eat butts (Boston butts).
    Maybe English is not that guy’s first language.

  9. “That’s the parent’s job, not my job,” Webb responded.

    And he’s absolutely right! Parents take their kids to Gay parades. I find that more vulgar than his bumper sticker. Or how about parents letting off “F” bombs in front of their kids. I hope he sues and gets a few million for it. I had a bumper sticker that said “I know Jack Shit.” I sold the car and haven’t replaced the bumper sticker. I do have a sticker on my car that says “I love bacon.” It’s there for the muzzies.

  10. Pulled over


    Arrested and charged

    “Tow his shit”

    Sounds abusive to me, and now it’s going to cost the taxpayers (not the officers) probably a six-figure pay-out to this guy.

    Sorry for the tax increase, but you people should get rid of this guy, law is the law.

  11. Two of my favorites I saw on a 1965, beat up, Ford 4×4 with Alabama plates driving on the Nimitz south of Oakland CA in the mid 70’s. The guy driving was a skinny red head wearing a baseball cap and sporting mutton chops.



  12. One of the first questions the officer asked was “Carrying large amounts of U.S. currency?”.

    I was reminded of the time some hayseed Shelby County, TN Sheriff’s Deputy stopped me for speeding in a construction zone on I-40… which I wasn’t, he was riding my back bumper through the whole zone… and asked if I was carrying (among other things) large amounts of U.S. currency. He already freaked out after patting me down and found a 2 1/2″ long pocket knife on me and decided he’d best lock me in the back of his patrol car for “our” safety.

    Interesting question though. What would constitute a large amount of U.S. currency to him? More than he has in his wallet? Bank account? Stashed under a drawer in his desk at work? Suppose I was traveling to Tennessee to purchase a classic car? I was an avid collector at the time, and what if we agreed in advance to a cash only sale? When did that become a crime?

    Someday I should add a chapter to my book about that particular traffic stop. It lasted about 30 minutes. He questioned me, my wife, and asked to search my car. I gave him a firm “NO!!” on the search question. He acted like no one had ever said that to him before. Within three minutes we were on our way and I was never issued a citation.

    I felt like we really dodged a bullet that morning. I learned never drive through Tennessee with Pennsylvania license plates that morning.

    This incident was probably about twenty years ago and I’ve never set foot in Tennessee since. I have asked the flight attendant on a few trans-American flights if she could alert me when were flying over the state so I know to run to the toilet and flush twice.

  13. Rumor had it back in the early 70’s there was a girlfriend of Carroll Shelby that used to drive a Shelby Cobra with the bumper sticker: ‘If You Can Beat Me You Can Eat Me’. Try explaining that to the kiddos. 🙂

  14. Went back and forth typing while watching this one…

    And there’s nothing more important or pressing for that department than taking the hour and a half for this major crime spree. Not to mention the “Booking” and time spent taking this criminal through the system! Multiple officers and I believe in the end they release/tow the vehicle to the mother’s anyway.

    At least everyone kept their cool and it didn’t degrade into something physical. To the arrestee’s credit (and I hope they get a major payday out of this) he kept his mouth shut after they put him in the back seat. I’m afraid I’d have gotten myself in more trouble running my mouth…

    Just before 53:00 another cop asks what the deal is and you can tell he won’t criticize, but “Really?”

    Looking at ” Goldenfoxx MAY 12, 2019 AT 11:09 AM”
    Agree/Disagree, it’s a bumper sticker! No discretion used?!

    In my opinion a major payday for the arrestee if he has the patience to take it through the system to the end. If you live in that county your taxes are going up. Again, they’ll teach any number of deviant sexual things as appropriate in the school system, but this is OBSENE…???


    Thanks for the diversion this morning Mr. Big, Can’t look at u-tube at work so I’m glad I caught it…

    Columbia County FL should be so proud…

  15. I remember when in early ’09 right after the gay Kenyan communist Mohammedan Obola was sworn into office, some Socialist fascist pig in Indiana pulled over and arrested a Conservative guy for a hilarious anti-Obama sticker on his car. I forget what the sticker said.

    Of course we never heard anything more about it from the Mainstream Media. I think the guy wound up in a FEMA Konzentrations Laager run by Donna Shalala

  16. Bobcat: that reminds me of the vehicles that say “How’s my driving? Call 1-800-987-5463 extension 69532.”

    It may as well have said “call 800- EAT S***.”

  17. Anonymous MAY 12, 2019 AT 10:22 AM
    @Different Tim May 12, 2019 at 7:44 am

    “I support law enforcement but some of these guys are in the wrong line of work.”

    I support Adolph’s Final Solution.
    But, I don’t want people to think I’m a Nazi.

    Even assuming you left out “Is like saying”, You just revealed yourself as an idiot with that.

    No wonder you posted as an Anonymous coward.

  18. I once lived in a county with a slimy, cheeseball, democrat tax assessor. When I paid my property tax, I’d always make the check out to “Nick Lampson, Tax Ass”.


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