The Former Secretariat of State Gets Caught in a Typical Lefty Lie – IOTW Report

The Former Secretariat of State Gets Caught in a Typical Lefty Lie

37 Comments on The Former Secretariat of State Gets Caught in a Typical Lefty Lie

  1. A gigolo and a traitor that’s quite the combo for horseface and a sure political and social enhancer for john effin kerry. Kerry is one former Navy Officer that I have zero respect for. He was a traitor when I was a Senior in HS 53 years ago in 1971. And he’s still even worse of a lousy traitor now. Except now it’s all globull warming malarkey. FJK!

  2. Kerry should have been tried and executed for treason back when he sat with the North Vietnamese (as a private citizen) at the “Peace” conference in Paris.

    And if anyone’s under any illusions, the deep state and corrupt media are not a recent development; this POS has been coddled and protected by the traitorous propagandistic press, and the deep state, since, at least 1971 as Geoff the Aardvark points out above. We are witnessing the culmination of decades, or even a century, of treason, rot, and corruption. This is not a passing phase.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. …while we’re on the subject of former Navy men turned politicians that traitorously coddled NVA communists, never forget Songbird…

    …gone to a well-deserved hell its to be hoped, but wife Cindy still exists and she ain’t no Brady…

    …in case you’re wondering why they stole the Senate too. why, that’s how they get their appointments like this…

  4. Any time I hear his name and hear his lies I get triggered to post this:
    Ole Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, tax-dodging, flip-flopping, lying, arrogant, self-absorbed, hung-like-a-field-mouse, moisturizing-metrosexual, Jihad Coddling, precognitive-Global Warming Meteorologist and Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome.
    The man is so incompetent he couldn’t pour the piss out of a riding boot if the instructions were written on the heel… which explains why this preening Dumbshit is still living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune and is precisely why he wuz picked to be “Climate Envoy”!

  5. only a POS would use his wife as a shield when caught lying. I’ve never heard him say ” it’s my wife’s money”
    All that rubber in his chin is gonna burn a good long time in hell

    now, for you dicks that listen to on word he says….

  6. At least a televangelist will boldly insist that the lord commands him to ride in a Bentley. This whinging coward doesn’t even have the nerve to say that the globe requires him to spew carbon now, so that moar can be safely sequestered in the future..

    He never sticks to his story. He was for the war nefore he was against it. He never claimed to be in Cambodia on Christmas. And on, and on, and on. He was caught dead to rights sipping tea in Paris with Iranian stooges, but if he were ever pressed on that—which he won’t be—he’d make up some bullshit story and throw a French waiter under the bus at the same time.

    He’s the quintessential artogant “Do You Know Who I Am” f—ker in public, but underneath it all is the same sniveling, lying, nail-chewing POS we saw in the “Winter Soldier” betrayal.

  7. Dave Huff
    TUESDAY, 6 FEBRUARY 2024, 10:27 AT 10:27 AM
    ‘“Lie until you die” Leftist motto……’

    …as they continue to vote Democrat from the grave and constant historical revisionism on their behalf, they hardly stop lying even if they have to do it from hell…

  8. Asshole Kerry was still inactive reserve when he consorted with the enemy at the Paris Peace Talks, which is why he (most likely) received a dishonorable discharge, only later upgraded by Carter.

  9. It takes one to know one, supporting the king of liars who has failed to udder a honest statement in his 77 pitiful years on earth, straight from the horses mouth to his flock of parrots. Religion used with his name sends one on a one-way trip to hell.

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