The Four Horsemen Set to Revisit Somalia – IOTW Report

The Four Horsemen Set to Revisit Somalia

St. Louis Post Dispatch

A rare famine declaration could be made as soon as this month, the first significant one anywhere in the world since Somalia’s famine a decade ago. Thousands of people have died, including nearly 900 children under 5 being treated for malnutrition, according to United Nations data. The U.N. says half a million such children are at risk of death, “a number, a pending nightmare, we have not seen this century.” More

22 Comments on The Four Horsemen Set to Revisit Somalia

  1. Somali famines happen because the more powerful parts of the population WANT the less powerful parts of the population to starve.

    That’s why delivering food last time didn’t work. And why delivering food THIS time wouldn’t work.

    There’s nothing you can do about it unless you are willing, ready, and able to go to war with warlords.

    And WIN.

    ARE we ready for THAT?

    …our recent Afgani humiliation would suggest otherwise.

  2. “The Four Horsemen Set to Revisit Somalia”….
    not just Somalia….it’s going to go worldwide.

    The only question I have is….
    Who plays “The AntiChrist”….????

    Klaus Schwab….????

  3. Bill Gates is pleased at all the deaths, especially of the children since they will not live to reproduce.

    There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. We know that these things will come to pass.

  4. Ed357 OCTOBER 5, 2022 AT 5:28 PM

    The only question I have is….
    Who plays “The AntiChrist”….????

    Klaus Schwab….????


    The only way to find out is to give him an obviously deadly wound to his head and see if he miraculously recovers.

    There’s a science experiment worth risking.

    If he’s the one, then it was meant to be. If he doesn’t, then the world is better off.

    Get right with Jesus. That day is coming whether you believe it or not right now.

  5. Better yet, stay where you are, make the place where you live a good place to grow food.


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