The Fox Fix Is In – Rubio Is Being Anointed – IOTW Report

The Fox Fix Is In – Rubio Is Being Anointed

Frank Luntz has his “random” hand-picked focus group. Luntz asked the group how many came in supporting Rubio.

3 hands went up.

Luntz asked how many were leaving supporting Rubio.

Nearly all of them went up.

Then Luntz asked the “completely unrehearsed” focus group members to give a one word impression of Rubio.

They went down the line like the June Taylor Dancers, not missing a step.

“Forceful… powerful… presidential… confident… impressive…”

Not one person stumbled, fumfered, or stuttered. It was a precision drill team.

Luntz then told the Fox audience that Rubio scored big two separate times, the biggest moments of the night.

Luntz went to break with this tease – “Did Trump blow it by not showing up? The answer might surprise you.”

I’ll update with what his big reveal is, but I’ll eat a bug if he doesn’t say that Trump has slipped behind Rubio.

UPDATE FROM 2pm this afternoon –

January 28, 2016 at 2:18 pm (edit)

Could stupid Trump Twitter missteps be like a death by 1000 paper cuts? Enough links to racist or tin foil hat retweets that get reported in the media could sway some fence sitters who see, say, Rubio as a competent guy who speaks well…maybe he’d be a better choice than Trump or that nasty guy Cruz.


Luntz group update – “Trump was hurt by not showing up.” “He disrespected Iowans.” “He’s not taking the process seriously.”

Only a few in the group thought Trump was going to win Iowa.

They didn’t end with saying the winner would be Rubio.

I have to go look for a bug.


34 Comments on The Fox Fix Is In – Rubio Is Being Anointed

  1. …and exactly how is this a ‘shocker’? …. Fox is in the tank for the repugnican establishment front-runner, whomever it may be

    funny thing is … this will hurt Cruz the most, giving his support to Rubio …. another Trump win

  2. Ted Cruz needed to dominate/decimate everyone to have a chance.
    Trump’s strategy may pay off. Let all the others split their votes. If Trump wins Iowa he’s a genius. If he loses, it’s Fox’s fault for treating him unfairly.

  3. Ya know…without the God of the bible , Jesus Christ, we have no real bonding mechanism in America. We either agree or disagree. If disagreement prevails, onward toward the global goal of tyranny.

  4. “I mean, you got the first mainstream ____________ who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    Haven’t we seen/heard this one before?

  5. Mr. Hat why are you surprised? Trump was not there. You will now see the rise of Rubio and a full court press from the GOP, all the alphabets talk shows, and blogs to push him across the finish line. The ony thing that will stop the Ruling Class is Trump. Cruz can not stand alone, he needs Trump . But Trump does not need him. Cruz learned a harsh and maybe a well learned lesson tonight. I hope it does not cost us all .

  6. Sometime between last September and now, I have given the Luntz circus a miss. The tone of your post illustrates why. “..precision drill team..” sums it up.

    Coming off as rehearsed with spoon-fed verbiage dents the whole gen-yoo-wine spontaneity feel. Much like Rubio himself.

    “..Fox wanted to host a Donald Trump circus, and failing that, tried to force the circus format on the remaining candidates.”- Stephen Green

  7. Sorry BFH. You might be able to choke down a chocolate covered bug. They’re organic and probably sold at Whole Foods.

    Speaking of choke…what the heck happened to Cruz?

    Soooo disappointing.

    I couldn’t make it till the end of the debate. My newest most hated phrase is Rubio’s ” when I’m President…”

  8. What a shame. I once though I was getting a straight story from Fox. I expect the other news groups to lie and be in the tank for Dems, but this is worse. Theirs is the more disheartening deception because they built up trust and in the end turned out to be just a Prog like the rest of the MSM by trying to steer the results to their liking. I am so done with Fox Rupert.

  9. Hold off on that bug, Fur.
    “The Media (msm)” ain’t what it used to be
    in its power of influence.

    And ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ is 100% right
    that this only hurts Cruz, who was
    Trump’s only “threat” in Iowa.

    “Too late to ‘pologiiiiiiize…..”

  10. Trump no longer needs to differentiate himself with the enemy.

    All he needs to do is to conduct strategic bombing raids, without causing total annihilation, because next Jan, he will have to work with some of them.

  11. I saw the Frank Luntz bit. It was all about Rubio. It was odd that Kelly goes after Rubio with his no amnesty vids and then ordains him the winner with the Luntz skit at the end.

    The videos and Rubio struggling to argue it away was very damaging to him IMO, yet Fox ordains him the winner.

    I think Levin is right that the GOPe want Rubio so they want Trump to take out Cruz and then they will deal with Trump. If they try take down Trump now, it will give the keys to Cruz. That is the worse case scenario to them. So Cruz must be taken down first then Trump.

    There will be a lot of hypocritical stuff come out on Trump, there will be dirt come out on Trump, and his history will be brought to the fore front. These things are being held back right now…..that’s what I think.


    Without Trump in the race, Cruz would have been NO MATCH to the schemings of the GOP Establishment and their media handmaidens.

    Cruz’s thinking is fully dependent upon playing THEIR games…guaranteed to fail.
    Each. And. Every. Time.
    And EACH of us would have been stuck “supporting” Bush or Rubio…
    …AGAIN. (i.e. no different from Romney or McCain)

    It was Rubio who got most of the praise, meaning…
    …that degree of support will come from CRUZ’s numbers
    in Iowa…NOT from the guy who was smart enough to recognize and avoid the massacre.

    ergo: TRUMP WINS IOWA.

  13. (At Czar)
    So you are saying that if Trump wasn’t in there that Cruz would be a nobody? Wow that is some great logic.

    So that means the Trump supporters would mostly go to the establishment Republicans of Rubio, Bush, and the conservatives would got to Rand, Christians would go to Ben, and none would go to Cruz. That’s just a stupid assessment.

    Cruz would be in the lead if Trump wasn’t there, there is no argument.

    Worse case scenario for the Rhino’s is for Cruz to win nomination. That is enough reason for me to vote for him.

    If Trump wins nomination we will have another non-conservative to vote for in the general and we will lose again.

  14. It is hard to describe what is going on in the 2016 election cycle.

    In the past it was Republican vs Democrat, Left vs Right, Liberal vs Conservative, even them vs us. Not today.

    Today we have Trump and the people vs the elite establishment, cable news and the MSM.

    It is something no one has ever seen before.

  15. Fox News has gotten to be a huge disappointment.
    First they pushed Jeb on us. They put him on for 15 – 20 minutes at a time. They gave most other candidates, except Cruz, their 2 minute slots.
    When they realized Jebby wasn’t going to get the nomination, they started pushing Rubio on us. They are not any better than the liberal media now.
    Ailes and Murdoch are big amnesty supporters. They want the cheap labor.
    They really think they have the power to control who we vote for. The seem to forget a lot of people started watching them because they were tired of the mainstream media telling us what to think and we still don’t like being told what to think.

    I turn the channel when Luntz comes on. He is a phony.

  16. Pithy and true.

    The problem is the other candidate’s supporters have not been paying attention to what has been happening in forgotten America. They wrote Trump off in their minds but many saw an escape route from politics as usual.

    You simply cannot change anything within the power structure of the old guard. They own the keys to the prison cells. You have to tunnel your way out. Trump showed up with some shovels.

  17. TO jp4

    Yes, chump, I’m saying that, had Trump not entered the race, Cruz would LONG AGO have been trashed by the GOPe and media. He doesn’t have the wherewithal to fight, as Trump has repeatedly PROVEN.

    And NO, your manipulative illogic does NOT mean that those Trump supporters would have gone to those other sleazebads you suggest.

    Your mental dishonesty is really shining now.

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