The French Have Finally Admitted “We Are At War” – Our Jerk of a President Yucks it Up in Havana, Unwilling to Admit the Danger Islam Poses to the World – IOTW Report

The French Have Finally Admitted “We Are At War” – Our Jerk of a President Yucks it Up in Havana, Unwilling to Admit the Danger Islam Poses to the World

“We are at war,” says French Prime Minister after jihad mass murder attacks in Brussels

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls delivers a speech to present his 50 billion euro savings plan ahead of a vote at the national assembly in Paris

18 Comments on The French Have Finally Admitted “We Are At War” – Our Jerk of a President Yucks it Up in Havana, Unwilling to Admit the Danger Islam Poses to the World

  1. Maybe …… just maybe…… these idiots in Europe are beginning to figure out that moslems are actively attacking / invading Europe as a coordinated force in order to conquer it to create the final islamic caliphate…… AGAIN! Their schools must be as bad as our schools when it comes to teaching actual history. May God help us because our own governments aren’t bright enough to even see what is happening before our very eyes.

  2. Their governments and our scumbag leaders know EXACTLY what’s going on. We know it, and so do they. It’s what they WANT to happen, don’t ever kid yourself.

  3. KMM – The real question is can we get there before Revrum Wright’s God-Damn America-hating, Lying/Denying, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, elitist, Bullgarian-speaking, Commie-loving, process-circumventing, autocratic, productivity-obstructing, Al-Qaeda appeasing, Benghazi bullshitting, lawless, phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic Marxist Muslim Mallard pulls some heinous stunt that starts a civil war (or even a world war)?
    Standby for news, Cleveland…

  4. It’s not just Obama who’s having a hard time connecting the dots. Just yesterday the Fox News website had a headline reading, “Brussels attack payback for arrest of Salah Abdeslam?” I thought, you really need that question mark?

  5. At war against who? Baptist? Buddhist? Nobody seems to know. There is no way to win the war until they admit that we are AT WAR WITH ISLAM! Not Jihad, not radical Islam ,but Islam itself. The people are fundamentalist, not radicals. The follow the strict teachings of the Quran.

  6. ISIS doesn’t pose a danger to the World, in Obola’s estimation, it poses an opportunity. As a homosexual moslem socialist Obola can aid and abet, through the Office of the Presidency, ISIS, which is the “Sword” of izlam and the nascent nuclear Iran, as the “Shield” of izlam, both of which he utilizes to destabilize, not only the Middle East, but Europe, the Americas, Africa, and, eventually, Central Asia, hopefully igniting a full-fledged conflagration thus allowing socialism to emerge triumphant from the debris.

    He may not be thinking that far ahead, but his handlers are, and he is the stooge pretending to remain aloof and putting while the World burns.

    His actions are anything BUT incompetent and foolish.

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