The Future – IOTW Report

The Future

Where the hell is our flying car?

What else did you expect by now?

22 Comments on The Future

  1. 90% effective tax rate, gun confiscation, wealth confiscation, religious liberty out the window, and incarceration of “dangerous” speech. I might be a bit early but it’s coming.

    in 1935 Sinclair Lewis wrote a dystopian yarn, “It Can’t Happen Here”, about a president who gets elected by promising that the government will take care of you and provide for all your needs, then, once in office he becomes dictator, suspends all civil liberties, incarcerates his opponents, opens up concentration camps, and mobilizes a civil police force answerable only to him, to terrorize the populace. About a hundred years too early I would say.

  2. Rich Taylor, one of the female characters in It Can’t Happen Here is an openly lesbian woman. I used to like this book but as I grew older, I found that Sinclair Lewis’s writing to tilt to the far left way ahead of its time. It’s the same reason I gave up on reading An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser because of its pro-abortion agenda which was also prevalent even back 100 years ago especially among the wealthy and upper- class elites. Sinclair Lewis’s writing and books aren’t quite as bad as Hemingway’s whom I cannot stand (he was an overrated God hating fool) but they tend to be pessimistic in their outlook on American life in the early to mid-20th century

  3. @geoff

    You will get a kick out of this. If you read Amazon’s review section on the above book, a number of reviewers link the protagonist to Trump, like somehow he governed this way, what idiots. If any president acted dictatorial of late, it’s Biden with his Draconian covid decrees and his contempt for border security and the rule of law.

    I like Lewis as an author, his descriptive narratives, and his interesting characters. I do like American authors but admit it’s all a matter of taste, Grapes Of Wrath-yes, The Great Gatsby-not so much.

    Last week I read (for the first time) Dicken’s A Christmas Carol and was pleasantly struck by a familiar story that was told with more meat on the bone, more warmth than any of the old movie renditions. Again, reaffirming the old adage that the book is always better than the movie.

  4. Actually the president in 1935 gave that a real shot, he just couldn’t make it stick. FDR did begin the nanny state and did incarcerate some.
    Leftists always ascribe their tendencies to the Right, particularly authoritarianism and blind fealty. They never both to explain how Trump was authoritarian, they just shout it loudly and hit you with ad hominem attacks. Because they can’t actually support their arguments.

  5. I expected the world would be frozen over at least 3 times and boiled over the same amount of times. Also when we cracked something like 5 billion people we were all expected to starve.

    Now that’s all been put off to 2030 for the great reset. Not only will we not have flying cars by 2030, we’ll have absolutely nothing, but, hey, we’ll all be happy. And once again the world won’t be boiled or frozen but that’s thanks to the efforts of the WEF. What a wholesome organization.


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